
Topic: - WORLD WIDE SHIPPING - page 12. (Read 36952 times)

Activity: 52
Merit: 0
On BTC-Guild:

I think there's something wrong with my miner Huh Well, let's make the best of it.

EDIT: Now went up to 90GH/s, but not higher.
full member
Activity: 182
Merit: 100
No difference  Sad

have you tried a different pool ?
Activity: 52
Merit: 0
No difference  Sad
full member
Activity: 182
Merit: 100
Mine are

Target Temperature = 0
Overheat Cut Off Temperature = 70

Pool Balance(Default: Balance) = Balance

Other then that everything looks the same, if that does not work try a different pool.

Hope this helps
Activity: 52
Merit: 0
Hi guys!

Sorry that I'm annoying you with my newbie questions, but I kinda have trouble with my miner. It doesn't get the full speed. Here is my Cgminer configuration:

The Cgminer status:

Worker information on EclipseMC:

What am I doing wrong again?
full member
Activity: 182
Merit: 100
Here is what mine says
[Firmware Version] => 20131110
cgminer: 176747f
cgminer-openwrt-packages: 0e12b1b
luci: 346e3e7
Reply was '

   [Description] => cgminer 3.4.3

Taking a guess there is an updated version ?
sr. member
Activity: 280
Merit: 250

There is no big difference in speed. But my new firmware upgrade the cgminer to the 3.9.0. That itself is a big improvement to the OEM firmware which came with the miner.

What is everyone using on their OEM firmware from MiningHardware?

I already said there is no big difference in speed. But with the latest cgminer, that is a big improvement. Which version of cgminer is your OEM miner using?

This is the last time I am going to post this quote again, it seems that no one is listening. There is no big difference in speed.
full member
Activity: 182
Merit: 100
can you post an image with the miner running longer then 5's please.

Also the images you have posted the frequency keeps changing 1300 and 1500, make your mind up on what settings your going to use for the output you have stated ?
sr. member
Activity: 280
Merit: 250

Just the default one which was installed when I got the miner.

Go to cgminer API log. And see which version of cgminer you got.
sr. member
Activity: 280
Merit: 250

There is no big difference in speed. But my new firmware upgrade the cgminer to the 3.9.0. That itself is a big improvement to the OEM firmware which came with the miner.

What is everyone using on their OEM firmware from MiningHardware?

I already said there is no big difference in speed. But with the latest cgminer, that is a big improvement. Which version of cgminer is your OEM miner using?
Activity: 36
Merit: 0
NineLives, can you please answer my email about the new firmware? Smiley

Hi and I am sorry for the delayed response.

I'm still in the middle of testing the firmware and so far I can not see a difference in speed. I do not want to distribute something that doesnt make a difference.

Bare with me please.

Maybe Kenshin can post some pictures here of his CGminer status?

Dude, seriously? You took a screenshot 5 seconds after you started the cgminer? I can get those amount of GH/s as well after 5 secs...

Which cgminer version are you using on your firmware?

Just the default one which was installed when I got the miner.
full member
Activity: 182
Merit: 100
NineLives, can you please answer my email about the new firmware? Smiley

Hi and I am sorry for the delayed response.

I'm still in the middle of testing the firmware and so far I can not see a difference in speed. I do not want to distribute something that doesnt make a difference.

Bare with me please.

Maybe Kenshin can post some pictures here of his CGminer status?

Dude, seriously? You took a screenshot 5 seconds after you started the cgminer? I can get those amount of GH/s as well after 5 secs...

Which cgminer version are you using on your firmware?

Can you show us an image with the miner running for more then 5's ?
sr. member
Activity: 280
Merit: 250
NineLives, can you please answer my email about the new firmware? Smiley

Hi and I am sorry for the delayed response.

I'm still in the middle of testing the firmware and so far I can not see a difference in speed. I do not want to distribute something that doesnt make a difference.

Bare with me please.

Maybe Kenshin can post some pictures here of his CGminer status?

Dude, seriously? You took a screenshot 5 seconds after you started the cgminer? I can get those amount of GH/s as well after 5 secs...

Which cgminer version are you using on your firmware?
Activity: 36
Merit: 0
NineLives, can you please answer my email about the new firmware? Smiley

Hi and I am sorry for the delayed response.

I'm still in the middle of testing the firmware and so far I can not see a difference in speed. I do not want to distribute something that doesnt make a difference.

Bare with me please.

Maybe Kenshin can post some pictures here of his CGminer status?

Dude, seriously? You took a screenshot 5 seconds after you started the cgminer? I can get those amount of GH/s as well after 5 secs...

full member
Activity: 182
Merit: 100
NineLives, can you please answer my email about the new firmware? Smiley

Hi and I am sorry for the delayed response.

I'm still in the middle of testing the firmware and so far I can not see a difference in speed. I do not want to distribute something that doesnt make a difference.

Bare with me please.

Maybe Kenshin can post some pictures here of his CGminer status?

Looking at that image the MHS5s is not the same as mine I am getting 210054.12 whilst he is getting 79750.87 or am I looking at the wrong thing because MHSav is 265,026 but on mine it is 215,843 ?

sr. member
Activity: 280
Merit: 250
NineLives, can you please answer my email about the new firmware? Smiley

Hi and I am sorry for the delayed response.

I'm still in the middle of testing the firmware and so far I can not see a difference in speed. I do not want to distribute something that doesnt make a difference.

Bare with me please.

Maybe Kenshin can post some pictures here of his CGminer status?

sr. member
Activity: 280
Merit: 250
NineLives, can you please answer my email about the new firmware? Smiley

Hi and I am sorry for the delayed response.

I'm still in the middle of testing the firmware and so far I can not see a difference in speed. I do not want to distribute something that doesnt make a difference.

Bare with me please.

There is no big difference in speed. But my new firmware upgrade the cgminer to the 3.9.0. That itself is a big improvement to the OEM firmware which came with the miner.

What is everyone using on their OEM firmware from MiningHardware?
Activity: 36
Merit: 0
NineLives, can you please answer my email about the new firmware? Smiley

Hi and I am sorry for the delayed response.

I'm still in the middle of testing the firmware and so far I can not see a difference in speed. I do not want to distribute something that doesnt make a difference.

Bare with me please.

Maybe Kenshin can post some pictures here of his CGminer status?
sr. member
Activity: 252
Merit: 250
NineLives, can you please answer my email about the new firmware? Smiley

Hi and I am sorry for the delayed response.

I'm still in the middle of testing the firmware and so far I can not see a difference in speed. I do not want to distribute something that doesnt make a difference.

Bare with me please.
Activity: 36
Merit: 0
NineLives, can you please answer my email about the new firmware? Smiley
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