Seems i've started a quite lively project
Having a barrel connector in addition to the molex one definitely can't hurt. I'd favor 2.1mm ID, 5.5mm OD - Tip Positive, as most other devices have, not one of those more recent HP or Lenovo ones.
So i take it as agreed that we take this both power supply connections.The voltage supplied for the barrel connecter will still be to decide. I will insert a table in my first post with facts i asume to have been decided on.
DIMM sockets certainly have their advantages (like locking clips), but they limit the width of the FPGA boards. For a rack-mount setup it might be desirable to have low profile (2-3U), but long FPGA cards with heatsinks in between and a couple fans on both ends providing airflow through those. PCI-style connectors seem to be suited better for that.
Basically i have a rebuild of the hardware arrangment of the copacobana setup in mind you may see they use DIMM like slots to fix the cards (wich i personally prefere) and they use both Spartan 6 LX150 and Virtex 4-230 without any heatsink at all.
On the other hand they claim the Spartan 6 to reach 200 Mhash/s. Therefore i asume the size of the heatsink we might wish for wouldn't be an obstacle for stability.
A Fan assembley for the cards will be needed anyway. But i don't see the point in a PCI slot. Im think they got even less structural stability as they lack the fixations laps.
So... you are suggesting to have the daughter boards be also operable stand alone? While that is probably possible, what is then the point of having the backplane at all? Is this the idea of adding a complete computer (ARM or other) to the backplane?
If yes, then maybe O_Shovah as the original poster should clarify what he intended the purpose of the backplane to be: just cost saving or making a stand-along hashing appliance. If it is the latter, than the host-to-JTAG interface may not be common between stand-alone and backplane based.
My original intention was to create an FPGA slave for a Pc. The backplane just used as a saving, supply an housing unit.Altough i have to admit that a standalone solution is interesting i would postpone such for later developments if it is not possible to create a common interface for both solutions. I would like to ask you to clearify if a common interface for both solutions is possible or not, then we may decide on that point.
One other point that has been numerously discussed is the use of an FT2232 device simmilar Bus system JTAG.
I'd like to know if we can basically decide to use this chip at all or if anybody has any reasonable alternatives ?