As the Operational Executive, I call the vote: "What to do with the MEW and its funds" to the discussion round. Rules state that the discussion takes 168 hours, and during this time members may make proposals and support them.
To move on reasonably, the proposal should include if the MEW is terminated or not, and what to do with the funds. The most supported proposals go to final vote.
The discussion will be held in this thread until pressing matters otherwise dictate. It is likely that after such a long delay, this forum is able to reach larger audience.
As the OE, I call the discussion round ended. As per the rules, two proposals are put on vote. Because this is a spending proposal, there is no absolute majority rule that would shorten the voting period unless all the members have voted. Because the dissolution proposal outcome differs markedly from the non-dissolution proposal, these are put against each other. The voting is structured so that only the first proposal causes a new MEW Resolution to pass. Therefore there is effectively one proposal, with NO meaning support to the non-dissolution "proposal".
The proposal is as follows:
That the MEW be dissolved and the corresponding funds be refunded to each member as follows: Members shall have 15 days from the date of the end of voting to provide:
1) An XMR address and transaction ID for refund.
2) The name of a Crypto Kingdom character account to be credited with the funds.
Those wishing that their portion of the funds go to Monero development could choose 1 and provide the Monero donation address. 46BeWrHpwXmHDpDEUmZBWZfoQpdc6HaERCNmx1pEYL2rAcuwufPN9rXHHtyUA4QVy66qeFQkn6sfK8aHYjA3jk3o1Bv16em Those wishing to donate to Crypto Kingdom can choose 2 and specify "Town" as the Crypto Kingdom character account. This will minimize administration time and transaction fees as the bulk of the transfers can be grouped together.
Any remaining unclaimed funds after the 15 day period has elapsed shall be credited as follows:
Crypto Kingdom account MoneroHouse 50%
Crypto Kingdom account Town 50%This proposal allows each member to identify how their portion of the funds will be allocated and provides a balanced approach for disposition of the unclaimed funds. For those unfamiliar with Crypto Kingdom, the MoneroHouse account is used to support Monero development.
The voters have 4 options:
HELL YES - Support the proposal, on the condition that if it does not pass, the member resigns and is refunded.
YES - Support the proposal
NO - Does not support the proposal
HELL NO - Does not support the proposal, on the condition that if it passes, the member resigns and is refunded.
The ME David Latapie is exhorted to produce the members and votes list without delay. Due to the privacy inherent in Monero, the addresses may be posted here publicly, or to user:
David Latapie in PM.
The voting period commences immediately and lasts for 168 hours. Any unmaterial changes to the proposal or practicalities do not cause the time to be changed.