Period Sep 13 - Oct 13 2018. In this period, 40520 reports handled as good, 1416 handled as bad, 679 unhandled.
Period Jul 10 - Aug 09 2019. In this period, 35785 reports handled as good, 1295 handled as bad, 1454 unhandled.
Period Jan 25 - Feb 24. In this period, 53968 reports handled as good, 490 handled as bad, 387 unhandled.
Will we ever reach this numbers of reports again and was it because some of the bots reports or human made reports?
I guess at this time also there was some kind a lot of spam and shit posts that was reported.
Maybe also that this numbers was going down is that a few stoped reporting.
Would be nice to know how much compared to now what the postscount was that needed to reported.
There's a few factors for the drop off. Some people were using automated bots to report certain things. At least a couple of the big reporters voiced annoyance about either certain reports not being handled or didn't like they way they were handled and stopped. Some of the big reporters also just went AWOL for whatever reason. A few people were probably reporting in the hope of becoming a moderator but new mods are rarely added these days so they probably gave up trying. Reporting is also a time-consuming and thankless task with no real reward for the users so most just don't bother. I think there was also an uptake in reporting when theymos first mentioned he might add reporting badges that never materialised. I think theymos should consider adding them them with some small perks. Maybe theymos could ever consider some sort of financial reward or some sort of raffle that reporters get entered into. Doesn't have to be much but maybe something would encourage an uptake. Maybe for every x amount of reports you get one ticket into a quarterly raffle or something. Maybe it doesn't even have to be a cash prize if you could find some people to donate some rewards, or maybe get someone else to sponsor it. If theymos could give us the reporting stats every x amount of time maybe it could be a community driven incentive that people donate to or someone else sponsons.