Not correct.
The point is why to bloat the blockchain, if we can use decentralized archiving and save only keys on blockchain.
Keys don't require a lot of space. The key is the amount of Mooncoins sent in one operation, e.g. 29294719.69714600.
Think how smart contracts bloat the blockchain, the Moonlite platform is a lightweight way to record data.
It doesn't bloat the blockchain, typical Mooncoin mining transactions (the block time is 90 secs) probably are 99% of blockchain size,
not Moonlite commands.
How ICOs go: usually they have only ideas and only promise, then they ask your 1000 btcs, then listing at exchanges, dumping or pumping, then... usually nothing, or maybe a couple of conferences somewhere and a dozen of articles about long term perspectives.
How Moonlite goes: no empty promises, no ICOs, no btcs asked, the technology is ready for use, you are welcome.
I succeeded ! Great
Congrats! How do you record your command on the mooncoin blockchain with your address? apparently it isn't that simple to me just yet...
He did it simply by sending an exact amount of MOON to his own address.
His address and the amount of MOON sent were recorded as the transaction on the Mooncoin blockchain.
The Moonlite system reads the blockchain, it sees the transaction with the amount that begins with 29 million and is trying to decode each transaction matching the criteria. If it contains a valid command, it's automatically processed and the address receives a reward according to implemented consensus:
if the command is A, and the number of command is B, and other conditions C (how many people liked the page before, how many commands were recorded during last blocks etc.) the code is calculating the amount of mining reward D (which is bigger at the beginning and is decreasing gradually).
Knowing this formula, people can code their own script which will read the Mooncoin blockchain and see the same.
The script will sync since the beginning, view commands and calculate step-by-step moonlite balances, mining rewards etc.
If you run the script with cron, it reads Mooncoin transactions and if there is any new command, the script displays it, and displays them all when synced, as well as up to date balances of every user, how much moonlite was sent, received, mined etc.
Common users don't need to code scripts, only to use commands, that is simple.