(maybe it is just the tone)
Where is the negativity? Is asking repeatedly for collaboration negativity?
Things are best discussed here. not on any other medium.
Here: the posts are kept and dont scroll off the screen.
Everyone can come here.
Everyone can gon anywhere. I'll be been coming here for weeks to contact users here. To date, none of the regular contributors here have contacted me. Not one.
-what regular contributors?
Discord/telegram are ok for quick communication, but the data scrolls off into the ether. (i am assuming telegram works similarly to Discord, havent seen it)
If you have never seen Telegram, how can you comment on it?
-thats why i added the disclaimer
Is putting together a team of 15 people negative? Why haven't you found out who this team is? The information has been posted in here twice and openly available on Telegram and Discord.
-why do i need to find out who the team is? that info was posted here already, i get that part.
Being Defensive does not help the situation. Makes me wonder what you are trying to pull.
I'll treat that comment with the contempt it deserves.
-and this is what i mean about being defensive. lol
The general population didn't know you were working on setting up a team.
The general population were in full knowledge of the effort. AGswinner was asked specifically to support it. He responded in here to the question. He was also asked in Telegram.
The general population don't come in here, it's a closed shop.
- we already talked about how the 'announcements that you said you did, werent really announcements, but just random comments. (until after i said something, then you had an announcement)
(but thats already done. )
thats it. not much more to say on that.
the one dev stopped in, as he was asked to do, thats it. maybe you scared him off, when we need all the help we can.
I never posted once in any channel when Vass was dev. You can check. Then you can come back to me and apologise.
No-one has claimed to be leaders. You'll see from most of my posts that collaboration has been ever present. From what I see, ANN main contributors seem to think ANN is the only channel relevant to Moon.
Yet there hasn't been any help offered to the community re Bluetrade announcement in here. No advice on where to store coins, other exchanges. You're short changing your community. (I also reached out to a number of ANN contributors to deal with it, even posted in here before ANN knew about it. Again, nothing.
To see the difference, go to Telegram (I suggested that last week also) and see How the community has been guided and supported in their panic and concern about Moon.
sry, if i ramble a bit in there.
I'm rambling too, but I seen to recall giving you information re new dev team get no responsse from you.
I have made every effort to reach out to every channel.
this part confuses me. got no response from me? we talked. we argued. we talked. was good. you said TG, i said i cant install an app.
I use discord some.
Ppl on discord dont seem to like TG at all. its like reddit. well maybe not that bad. lol
but that could just be the groups