It's awesome that you're going to work with cryptocurrency, cause it's money of future. But I can't find the information about what exactly currency you're going to work with?
what? you do realize that Mooncoin IS the cryptocurrency?
or is this just a Fluff post?
Mooncoin is great and all, but it's had hardly any success as an actual currency. I'm not trying to be harsh, I LOVE MOON, but there are no people using it to buy or sell things. I don't even know how to set up a wallet on Windows 10 and I think the common person would have even less of an idea.
If we want MOONcoin to take off, we have to suck up losses and begin offering goods and services for the coin or it will die. We also need to employ devs who are willing to make a user-friendly wallet.
Even after getting a million moon stolen from an android wallet in 2016, I still kept accumulation going because I love the idea of a microtransaction currency. I am sad that Bleutrade is delisting MOON, especially because I have nowhere secure to store it now...