mooncoin newbie here.
i bought mooncoin on bleutrade, made a mooncoincore wallet for my laptop, win 64 from, went to transfer coins to my wallet address and they transferred succesfully to the address from bleutrade, but they never arrived to my wallet. i saw the blockchain info and it has the purchase info and says "not redeemed yet". i tried restarting my computer to see if maybe it wasnt synching.
any suggestions? i cant really afford to lose money. i hope to be able to recover these coins.
First and foremost, be sure that you have made a backup copy of your "wallet.dat" file. It contains the private keys to access your coins. Lose that file and there is no way to get to your coins. So, only experiment with you wallet if and only if you have made a few copies of your "wallet.dat" file, and placed those files somewhere else: a CD, flash drive, another PC...
From what you say I am going to guess that you just haven't let your wallet finish syncing.
You mention something about seeing the "blockchain info". Is this the info at bleutrade, or is this the info you saw at mooncoin's explorer? ... the coins are listed at the address to which you sent them, and the explorer shows this, then your coins are safe. The blockchain is the final arbiter of where the coins are.
I don't have any more details to help you further.