The consensus amongst legitimate holders of majority of these coins is:
coins must be burned.
Vassilis agreed to burn them, but he needs an official document to do that.
It will not be so fast to prepare that for him.
Also there is a question: to which address to send coins to burn them?
I suggested a burn address earlier, but after that people suggested 2 other burn addresses.
So the community must also come to the consensus about a burn address.
Experts must confirm that the address is really a burn address.
If someone wants to claim his/her coins, again: please post in this ANN thread (before coins are burned),
because after coins are burned, no one on this Earth will be able to get them.
You must be able to prove that you are a legitimate owner of coins which you claim.
Also, he does not need an 'official document'. In fact, there are barely any laws relating to cryptocurrency; let alone laws regarding the burning of coins. There is no such thing. Nowhere in the world, so neither in V's Greece. He can just burn them whenever he wants, there are no possible official documents.
Also, who is to say that claims are indeed legitimate and not fraudulent?
This is my claim. The determination is “ Your Claim Form and supporting documentation have been accepted..”
ANDREA ?............CLAIM NUMBER: 630?
You submitted a Claim Form in the class action lawsuit styled Brandon Leidel, et al. v. Project Investors, Inc. d/b/a Cryptsy, Paul Vernon, et al., U.S. Dist. Ct. - S.D. Fla. -- Case No. 9:16-cv- 80060-KAM (the “Lawsuit”). Your Claim Form and supporting documentation have been accepted, and payment will be issued pursuant to the terms of the Settlement Agreement and Plan of Allocation in the Lawsuit.............. “
this is the easiest way as proof
1) a copy of your claim (only claim accepted)
2) the same documentation sent to the Fed court
Unfortunately... You entered into contract with the court/receiver, in which you gave up your right to make a claim for the coins in return for a settlement. Your settlement comes from the "settlement fund" in which proceeds from the lawsuit are obtained.
Basically... You can't claim both. It is one or the other. You chose to be part of the lawsuit.