In other news: From reading through some #mtgox logs, it looks like MtGox's Japanese bank has a withdrawal limit as well. About 1 million USD/day. (Probably 100 mill JPY.) The limit applies to USD manual withdrawals as well. (Manual transfer requires one USD to JPY conversion, JPY withdrawal, and JPY back to USD, which is the reason for the high fee.) The JPY volume has been close to 4 million USD worth the last week alone, and withdrawal capacity 5 million USD / week. This means the JPY hose is running close to full capacity (practically all JPY volume has been selling BTC, buying JPY for withdrawal and arbitrage), and is the probable cause of JPY withdrawal delays and the reported delays for manual withdrawals. I am by no means certain of this, but it does explain a few things. It means MtGox's total withdrawal capacity is about 25 million USD/month.