I think you should not spread, that SEPA transfers are solved, until you saw it with your own eyes.. And even if no one here is lying it could be the same as usual, that it's just luck which transfer is fast and which not.
Fact is that there are thousands of undone withdraws pending or "confirmed" since weeks or months. Only if these undone transfers were done, they can say "it's solved".
You have to document your claim of thousands of withdraws pending. I count a total of
three recent SEPA withdrawals in this thread which have been pending for more than two weeks. Each one reeported over and over. Standard international withdrawal is very slow. We know that. There is a huge backlog from the middle of June.
I'll try a four digit SEPA withdrawal next week, and report back.
I have 5 open SEPA transfers. 3 of them about 200€, one 400€ and one of 800€. I ordered the transfers: 2013/07/30 , 2013/07/30 , 2013/07/31 ,2013/08/12 and 2013/08/14. One order from 2013/07/26 about 200€ I got after 3 weeks.
So nothing is solved for open transfers... and I doubt it's solved for new transfers, but we will see.
Edit: ah and one withdrawl about 150€ from 2013/07/23 I got after a few days.
Edit2: just because there are not many people reporting delayed transfers, u can't say there are no. Because at the moment it's "normal" and normally no one cares about it anymore.
Today I made a new SEPA transfer about 300€, I will report back, if I get them next week.