I'm not sure what you find humorous. But I understand it must be frustrating lacking the capability to understand basic concepts in finance. Find me an academic paper that states that arb opporuntities can exist over extended (long) periods of time....You won't. Remember, if someone could have taken advantage of the arb opportunity there wouldn't be an extended price variance. But if you'd like to read up on arbitrage so you can make some relatively intelligent comments, then I encourage you to read the links below:
And here is one academic paper out of hundreds:
Free Lunch! Arbitrage Opportunities in the Foreign Exchange Markets
"Using the “firm” quotes obtained from the tick-by-tick EBS (electronic broking system that is a major trading platform for foreign exchanges) data, it is found that risk-free arbitrage opportunities—free lunch—do occur in the foreign exchange markets, but it typically last only a few seconds....The probability of its disappearance within one second was less than 50% in 1999, but increased to about 90% by 2009."
Zeroblock, I don't understand why you are on this quixotic campaign to convince everyone that bitcoin markets are efficient. You have already admitted that you don't have any personal experience with the matter. You're quoting wikipedia articles written by academics looking at the stock market instead of asking traders who make their living doing arbitrage.
I know you're wrong, from personal experience. That said, I don't care so much what you think, and in fact it's fine if you want to teach everyone that the markets are efficient, you'll just discourage more of my competition (thanks!).
The thing that I don't understand is, why is it so important to you that everyone thinks the way you do?