Sorry for the delayed answers folks (and thanks very much to those who chimed in to help!)
I was out of town for several days at the Microsoft Build Conference (which was totally awesome) and have been playing a lot of catch-up since returning. Unfortunately I'll also be out of town for several days next week so there may be a bit more silence at that time.
Let me try to address all the outstanding questions:
Found a small bug on one particular pool when I was doing some mining for a friend. When mining to
Coin-Pool (stratum+tcp://, the reported profitability was
way out of whack. Happened when using both coinbase and coinwarz, but as soon as I switched pools (ghash and Eligius are my mains), the numbers went back to about where I expected them to be.
Is this a multi-coin pool? If so there is currently no support for estimating profitability for these. There is no way for MultiMiner to know what coin the pool is mining and it looks like it is set as BTC. I do plan on adding support for multi-coin pools but need to look into the APIs for doing so.
Minor iOS MobileMiner bug. When you tap on a miner, it pulls down the details. After doing so, it is not possible to hide the small strip on the side for the details. It would seem intuitive that you can click on a blank part of the miners and clear it, but the only way I've found to clear it is to kill the app.
Can you post a screenshot of this please? A picture is worth 1,000 words. Thank you!
I've had similar issues with a lot of AntMiners. It would be nice if it automatically detected these hung miners and restarted them.
This is planned for the next update. Currently the Effective Hashrate is not considered when looking for suspect miners.
Multiminer crashed and it doesn't want to start anymore. Using MM 2.8.4 in ubuntu 13.10 64 bit here is the terminal output:
System.InvalidOperationException: JSON syntax error.
at System.Web.Script.Serialization.JsonDeserializer.Deserialize (System.IO.TextReader input) [0x00000] in :0
at System.Web.Script.Serialization.Json.Deserialize (System.IO.TextReader input, System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer jss) [0x00000] in :0
at System.Web.Script.Serialization.Json.Deserialize (System.String input, System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer jss) [0x00000] in :0
at System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer.DeserializeObjectInternal (System.String input) [0x00000] in :0
at System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer.Deserialize[LogProcessCloseArgs] (System.String input) [0x00000] in :0
at MultiMiner.Utility.Serialization.ObjectLogger.LoadLogFile[LogProcessCloseArgs] (System.String logFilePath) [0x00000] in :0
You have a corrupt JSON file in your data folder (this is ~/.config/MultiMiner on Linux). Try deleting or renaming MiningLog.json and restarting MultiMiner.
Is there a way to manually add network miners? I have a few Antminer S1s that I am connecting to through ssh tunnels. MultiMiner doesn't seem to detect them. I am able to use CGRemote through the ssh tunnels, but it doesn't have all the feature that Multiminer has. I connected the same laptop to the Antminer's local network and MultiMiner detects them just fine that way. Thanks.
You can manually edit the NetworkDevicesConfiguration.xml file found in the MultiMiner data folder (%appdata%\MultiMiner on Windows).
I have been having issues adding the proxy. I enabled the Proxy Settings but my ASICminer Erupter Cubes are not being detected. My USB erupters and GPU are being detected however. I am using the latest version. Is there a reason why the miners would not be detected?
You need to edit the configuration for the Cubes using their web UI. Change the IP and port in the config pages to the IP of your MultiMiner machine and the GetWork port found in the MultiMiner settings.
Hi, I'm mining LiteCoins on CoinHuntr. Say the current hash rate is 450 KH/s for a card, the effective hash rate is listed as something like 300 MH/s. Now if only that were true! Is it just a simple mislabelling, i.e. the effective rate is 300 KH/s? If not, is there a way to get the effective column working correctly?
The effective hashrate in the current BFGMiner is not correct for Scrypt. This is fixed for version 4.0.
This is already possible. This is built directly into BFGMiner, one of the many nice features. Any of the --set-device arguments can be either device-wide, driver-wide, or you can do it per-device-path or per-device-serial.
--set-device arg=value
--set-device driver:arg=value
Per-device-path (path displayed running BFGMiner with -d?):
--set-device driver@path:arg=value
Per-serial (again serial is displayed running BFGMiner with -d?):
--set-device driver@serial:arg=value
Found another MobileMiner bug today. In MoM, it's showing my total hash rates for my PC, but when you look at the advanced view, it's only showing the Stratum Proxy, and not the individual miners. I have the individual miners set up on automine, and the proxy is set for just BTC.
There have been several server-side issues with MobileMiner this week. There have been some attacks, some fixes, and then some scaling to try to prevent future issues. Things should be stable now (and for the past day or so). Please let me know if not.
Multiminer software stops mining itself. All my rigs stop and start itself. And also mobileminer monitor app shows incorrect informations.
MultiMiner stops and restarts mining if you have the option to "Restart suspect miners" checked in the Settings dialog. This is a feature, not a bug
If you view the Process Log it will tell you why mining was restarted. You can also check the JSON log files found in the MultiMiner data folder.
I'm showing something similar. All of my miners are still mining, but mobileminer shows them as being offline. Server problems?
Yes - see above.
So I've been trying out the stratum proxy on multi-miner, but it appears like it's super inefficient. I lose about 50% of my hash rate by going through it. I'm not sure if this is because I'm using a p2p pool or what.
That and the hashrate is wrong too. It's displaying GH's for MH's for scrypt.
The proxy in MultiMiner (and BFGMiner) doesn't work for Scrypt in 3.10. It is fixed in a branch of BFGMiner and slated for inclusion in 4.0.
Thanks again everyone for the help keeping up with questions. If you have time to do more of the same next week, much obliged!