A company that is so far behind in promises and make further promises repeatedly and are still taking people's money with ship dates promised out two months should be considered a scammer. Why that offends your sense of fairness eludes me.
Now how does that make any sense? It's clear your definition of "scammer" is a bit falsely construed.
Based on your definition, I presume Team Avalon must also qualify as a scammer since they're taking people's money now for Batch #3, which won't be out for many months? They're surely a team of scammers since they promised to ship, what was it, 12 units a day at the end of January? Yet April is upon us and only now are they finishing up the delivery of the first Batch...
Even if they are working hard to produce the units paid for 9 months ago, their current actions of "order now" and giving new promises which we know not to be true, would qualify them to be labeled as a scammer.
How do we know their promises aren't true? (Before brashly responding, think about it from a rationalized point of view for a moment)
When you have screwed up, you should stop collecting people's money until you can actually physically deliver what you overpromised many times before.
Ideally I (and many others) wish this was the case. Down payment now, full payment when a product is available.
To answer your question about how do we know their promises are NOT TRUE? Well; a month ago they said their capacity was 500 a day, now they say it is 300 a day. Have you ever run a factory? You would know they are full of crap when they think they can run at capacity and their estimate of capacity changes by 40% in one month. They would not selling more units if they were honest. As to the question on Avalon, can you direct me to FACTS that either one of them is a convicted felon? Or that the other one has a judgement against him in a federal court for ripping off DirectTV? Can you point me to a post where the partner of Avalon called someone a blowjob giving thai whore when someone criticized them.
Let me know the links. I understand you seem to be ingratiating (maybe to "protect" your position in this fictional shipping line), but that does not mean that anyone with an IQ over 80 cannot see through these people.