Current price is very stable and IMHO reflects its real value. This price level can be supported easily for the next few years without major problems.
So we forgot about Clevermining already? Supply was more or less the same (this was before DIGI).
With the big pump past year selling pressure at 1000 sat was only about 4 btc or something like that, while price was at about 90 sat. Now selling pressure is way higher. Point is that the orderbooks show too much sellpressure now against the buying power, that is no good and will be worsening if nothing is done.
Rijk explained it very well, with good arguments.
Not to mention if btc price goes back over 1k USD, what do people think will happen to high reward coins? They will be trading with LTC as they get pushed under 1 satoshi.
Wildwest makes a very good argument that no one else has mentioned?
Price vs. value... I keep pointing this out... we can pump the price all we want, but value is what we need to build (for IRL usage). This is why we are at 300 sat.
But, as people don't want this discussion any more.... I made my points clear. I'll stop the discussion.
I don't mind discussing it. I know your involved with AUR, why is AUR higher then guldencoin on coinmarketcap in your opinion?
AUR has much lower rewards and supply so it requires a lot less people to have a higher value and keep the economy going.