- Openness and transparency are both key factors in developing and maintaining trust with current users and new users alike. Therefore a page on the NEM website listing all the developers and their roles, along with their contact details and perhaps (although not vital, for privacy reasons) a picture too.
- Now, a lot of you are aware of the recent alt-coin boom, along with the strange KLONE project which plans to clone NEM as soon as NEM's source is released. For this reason, I think it may be wise to withhold releasing the source code for a month or two after release. If this is going to be the case then it is of high importance that (a) it's made completely obvious why the source is being withheld, and (b) when it will be released (perhaps with a big countdown on the website?). If both of these points are followed, then no on can accuse NEM of shady practice.
- In order to explain NEM to newbies, a host of media must be availble to them: Simplistic videos (<3 minutes, animation, easy to follow etc.), infographics favourably comparing NEM to BTC, professionally made video/text tutorials for installing and using the NEM client etc.
Can't talk for anyone else but I wouldn't want my contact details and sure as frack my picture on the site. If anyone wants to contact the devs theres this thread, the official forum which will hopefully flurish once the launch is over and this thread can be closed and there's the trello board. Alist of all the core devs could be nice though.
I'm only a little worried about clones. Mainly because to my knowledge there is still no NXT clone that has managed to put up a blockchain. Also NEM has some very new and complex features (just like NXT does) that will take time to get to know. E.g POI and the Eigentrust++ algo used for peer-trust isn't something you implement in a day or two. I think people will hesitate to simply clone something they don't know or understand. I'm not saying these things are so complex only our devs can ever understand them I'm saying they are relatively new in the crypto scene and will therefore be watched first. Also I'm impressed with how professional the people that are working on this project are. I think this is something not every crypto has and it will set us a side from every half ass clone project.
I think a host of media will be available plus a big community willing to answer all possible questions
By contact details, I meant things like Bitcointalk link, dedicated email, other forums links etc. not your home address or personal email or anything like that!