you should really pursue this further. PM PAT and UP just incase they miss this.
I didn't miss it
It's something to think about but it'd be a bit of work as well.
Let's see what UP has to say I think it's not a priority at this stage we have so many other things to think about.
We are a huge community so if you guys wan't to pull that off go ahead. You'll all have > 1 000 000 NEM. A lot to share
I cant speak for j23a, but I will happily
donate 10% of my stake to this. I am sure more people will want to as well. j23a I am with you if UP will allow it, and if you want to go foward with it my friend
During the Nem fundraising, whenever I saw someone that I felt was a good person character wise a light bulb would pop at the top of my head and I would think, “I should tell them about Nem.” So when I read that you’re willing to give away 10% of your Nem coins that light bulb popped with that feeling that I should let you know about Nem, and then I was like, “Oh wait.” It’s truly a habit.
I thought more about it’s best for NEM not to get involved.
1. They are already being taken care of, and I wouldn’t want Nem to be seemed as if they’re just doing it for the attention.
2. It would be a lot of work for Utopianfuture, dividing one stake between 149 people.
3. It would be really, really hard determining who really got scammed, since it wasn’t quite as organized as NEM. I think they had to PM the scammer with their transaction ID.
4. The scammer himself could send BTC to his scam address and then claim that he’s also a victim. Receive Nem on top of the 69.5 BTC he scammed.
It doesn’t seem like the best cause since others are already stepping up. I felt really bad for them, and left words of encouragement, because so many were putting them down for believing and making a bad decision.
Today I got a $65 bill from PayPal, because someone that I sold coins to did a charge back on me. ($45 plus I had to pay a $20 fee to the bank of the person who scammed me). He seemed like a nice guy at first. So right now I’m at a point where if anything of charity should be done, it should go towards an undeniable good cause, vs random people trying to make money. Because these coins attract a lot of scummy people, and I’m sure some of those who got scammed would fit in that category, and getting scammed would be a good life lesson for them.