Ok, not to sound annoying, but today I had a friend over, and I showed her a post that had the signature "New Economy Movement." I told her to find out what that the signiture was referring to. She couldn't. Not with Google, not with anything.
I then told her to find out about Nem. And she couldn't She was even smart enough to search for the terms, "Nem economy," "Nem economy movement," Nem new economy movement." And nothing. And the only reason she thought of doing that was because she already heard the phrase "New Economy Movement."
I think that's a legitimate problem. If it's not going to be Nem Coin, we need to add something to it to make it a unique enough of a search term.
Maybe with should go about this the same way we're doing with the logos. With suggestions of something that can enhance the name Nem that makes it a searchable term on the internet. And perhaps something that also sounds good in Chinese, Japanese, German.
The term will be associated with NEM in due course, don't worry.
will be NEM ? Isn't it too late? Look what your Google finds with "NEM".
If it is possible, the NEM page should be added to here (by page's owner):
https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/homeThen, in Index, do "search like Google", "search", "send to ".
After that NEM people should use Google and search "New Economy Movement" and other related words, and from the Google's list should pick NEM pages, which increases the importance of NEM pages.
PS. now "NEM - New Economy Movement" is 15th in Google's list, not so bad ... maybe it is already in index. Google finds 150 000 "new economy movement".