I think, the owner is the owner, is the owner, is the owner, and he stays the owner, until he decides to let it go.
Until then, guess what, he´s the owner . . .
I strongly disagree. If you're not interested enough to look over bitcointalk or nem forums once in a month (even longer as the time for when the claiming process was going to start was announced even earlier) you most likely wont be committed to helping NEMs sake either. For NEM to become a successful currency and for it to have a thriving ecosystem say 30 % of all coins can't be with or be waiting for stake holders so uninterested and unengaged that they don't care to look for updates at least once a month.
I mean say that everyone could come and claim their stake at any point of time. And by the time someone claims their stake NEM is huge. It would, in the very least, be devastating for the stability of the price if someone came and dumped 1/4000 of the total marketcap once in a while.
My vote goes for investing at least the majority of all unclaimed stakes to improve the NEM ecossytem in a responsible way (marketing, development, nem companies etc, although most of this investment should preferable not go to the core NEM team to prevent centralization and to minimize the risk). My second option would be to burn all the left over NEM, even if this is far from an optimal solution it's still miles better than to have NEM laying around waiting for unengaged stake holders to pick it up and dump it.
Don't worry about the dumpers. We actually need more of these guys nowadays, so we would be able to buy cheap NEMs
Say that NEMs marketcap would look like BTCs does now. If someone were to dump 1/4000 of all BTC in one go it would have a major impact on the prize and would make it very unstable (something that is bad for a currency).
That would happen once or twice up until the trading waves stabilizes when the dumped NEMs fall into the hands of whom appreciate the movement.
I don´t know how many times that will happen then, but thats what a free market does. There will always be whales who don´t really appreciate the movement. But if NEM is any good, then it will clear itself of them and recover from crashes and always will swing back to the truth, sooner or later. Just hodl on
By saying these and these people are not worthy, then actually that is manipulating the market right from the beginning and will lead to much bigger crashes . .
In the end, NEM will end up in the hands of appreciative people anyway, but it should go there by itself.
But ok, like i said, lets just settle for a compromise: more time !