The key phrase being as practical. As practical for whom ? The peole that work on NEM everyday or the people that don't have the decency to check on their investment at least once a month ?
A month but the process was made public weeks before it started.
What do you suggest we try ? It's been on tweeted, spread in both forums, sent out in a newsletter (to emails where we have them) and is being discussed for weeks not already.
And let me reiterate my inquery about any other coin that has had a distribution phase of more than 1 month. Who in hell waited 6 months for their peolpe to come ?
There could be any of a number of reasons why people haven't checked in, including plain forgetfulness. Please do not taint the launch with controversy - put off this question until after the launch.
After a well-publicised launch, there'd presumably be a stronger argument for clawing back what stake buyerse have not claimed. But considering something like that before the launch risks inviting controversy in a very jittery market that will risk messing up this entire thing. This market bails on the faintest hint of FUD-attracting controversy.
There is no controversy. This has been the decision for a long, long time now. Only now that we are close to launch for some reason people are bringing it up as if it is some new revelation like the devs suddenly changed the rules. I am honestly perplexed as to why people who have not posted or contributed anything to NEM over the past year have suddenly decided to come out now to try and change a policy that has been in place for some time now.