How many stakeholders have registered so far?
Number seems a tad low to me but it's only been like two days since everybody received their message? I was under the assumption that most of the 1200+ veterans were somewhat active regulars on BTT. Seems like they are either ignoring the private message, haven't taken the time to complete the steps or haven't logged in yet.
I'm familiar with this other coin (Patmast3r knows this one too) where like 200-something out of 900-something stakeholders didn't complete the steps to receive their coins. Theoretically, there could be as much as a thousand stakeholders in NEM who may end up missing the distribution - even if you hound them (like sending them PMs) many will still end up missing it for a variety of reasons (intentional or accidental).
The aim should be to get as many NEM to as many people as possible but I don't see any merit in the Facebook approach. The last coin that did it - it was abused by blackhats with hundreds of fake accounts and then people were manipulating Indian Facebookers into giving up a $10 promotion for $5. This coin only has a capitalization of $3 million (which is less than NEM if it were to launch tomorrow, $1000 x 4000 = $4 million capitalization).
The idea I read on the NEM forum to give out 20,000 NEM for things like posting a good picture is a novel idea. When I was younger and more creative I would have taken advantage of that, $20 to take one nice good photo or some kind of promotion is like a payday.
Yes it's been 2,5 days since the pms were sent out.
I'm not too worried about that though. Even if we stay at a very low number, that's just more NEM to be distributed via bounties and such to people that actually care.
The goal has to be to spread NEM as far and wide as possible. We can be creative on how to achieve that
Also there are almost 800 stakes on the AE so we have over 1000 claimed already