That's naive. You can't rustle up customers out of nowhere. Exchanges take years to build and there's a strong chance new ones never take off. There's a huge list of dead or empty exchanges.
From now on it's going to become even harder to get traction. It would be like launching a new bank and trying to poach HSBC's customers. The odds of succeeding are painfully low.
u get new customers by provide better solutions and promote them (make people know about them)
and not by use solutions that are all created to mainly support BTC dominant role
and all existing exchanges are set up that way
the future and the end of exchanges the way we know them now is decentral exchanges
and only the exchanges that prepare by create additional value beside just buy/sell will survive that
one way to prepare could be full cooperation with goverment and taxing systems
which will make old school exchanges the prefered KYC place for white coins
so we can expect a future with fiat/crypto trades/cenversions with full KYC verification is the ground for old school exchanges
and most of the crypto/crypto trading will happen on decentral exchanges