XEMBTC price short before snapshot should be up to 6000+sat
XYMBTC price in case of daily close in debut day should be around 10000sat
XYMBTC close price one day after snapshot should be around 2500sat
(at this time, before and after NEMs snapshot BTC price should be around 20000USD, but unstable and volatile)
I am curious if this prediction (i know that this method looks strange, but it works in my life) can be really true. I know that energies change every day and we have one more month of waiting, but for now my method show the above possibilities for XEM and XYM pricing.
Hmmm Binance. Chinese? I try to avoid chinese exchanges, no matter how big they are
But it's always hard to find really good and secure exchanges. Diversity is the key. I use Poloniex, Bittrex and Zaif (but with caution).
Have those exchanges the support for NEM -> Symbol ?
i.e. if having XEMs in the exchange's account, will one get XYMs to exchange account?