Hello! What price do you expect closer to the events?
I expect that the price will rise a little bit by the beginning of December. I think those who want Symbol tokens have already bought enough XEM. With the snapshot coming closer, there will still be speculators that will still get in, but I no longer expect a larger increase. After the snapshot, I expect the XEM price to implode.
This postponed airdrop of XYM makes maybe one more time bad PR for NEM, but i hope still that waiting will pay off,
Postponed airdrop? Did I miss something? Do you mean the snapshot?
Um scroll up 4 or 5 posts. January now. Do you think XYM will command the same price as NEM pre-snapshot ?
Yep some people names this action airdrop, but it's not for free, as we know. Of course XEM prise must implode after snapshot (or even few days before, just like it was with NXT story), but before depending on market circumctances (and pumping groups activity) price can spike just like described in the card of 8 wands. See this picture one more time, it shows skyrocketing price action:D
After the snapshot we have XYM, its very hard to predict how high will be open and close of the first day of trading, but for XYM should be high, and very volatile (even incredibly volatile).
And i think that many more people will collect now XEMs for expected XYMs, but price is not so attractive like it was few months ago. Those who buy first, will sell with higher reward ratio, thats all:D
And what says tarot? I drew another one card for XYM with longer perspective much beyond the snapshot (energy for whole 2021 year) and this is the answer:
So dont expect that high price for XYM will last long, this two cards (8 wands and 10 swords) say that it will be only very common for cryptomarket pump&dump scheme. After high start XYMs price will fall similar to XEMs freefal from around 2$ to few cents. That will be very sad, but it's only "rinse and repeat pattern", many should be familiar with that pattern and behaviour of cryptomarket.
For XYMs future beyond 2021 i drew much better card:
Hard work should pay off, but it will be really haaard work with long waiting for the fruits.