I am using your Neosminer on miningpoolhub and I found something peculiar.
When I run the script below for Skien algorithm:
powershell -version 5.0 -noexit -executionpolicy bypass -windowstyle maximized -command "&.\NemosMiner-v2.2.ps1 -SelGPUEWBF '0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7' -SelGPUCC '0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7' -Currency USD -Passwordcurrency BTC -interval 120 -Username fynxgloire.Mining1070 miningpoolhub -Location US -PoolName miningpoolhub -Type nvidia -Algorithm skein -Donate 5
I DO NOT see any statistics on the top of the screen ( like how much are the earnings per day etc. )
I already created a worker manually called: Mining1070 on miningpoolhub.
I then logged into miningpoolhub and for some reason ANOTHER worker was added with this name:
May I ask why is this new worker added on the website settings for this algorithm Digibyte-Skein Pool?
Should I delete this newly added worker from miningpoolhub?
Is this in any way affecting why I cannot see earnings per day running this script?
Could the Nemos miner be used to Switch between coins *same algo* based on Diff? and gain the coins and not btc?
I am not sure if nemos miner can.
I did try out MultiPoolMiner which could do this but it was unstabel as crap.
I would not touch that thing with a 10 foot pole ever again.