Gminer v1.28 Enable Beam and cuckaroo29 on NiceHash
add TTminer PROGPOW cuda 10.0 for Zergpool
Increase Speed on yescrypt algos, Lyra2v3 and argon2d-dyn
Happy Mining
50% to 60% Performances improvement on core cycle via
Optimization of core code
Optimization of Pool files code
Optimization of Miners files code
Overall performances
Fixed Miner active time calculations
Miner Updates:
tpruvot v2.3.1
gminer v1.28 (beam & grincuckaroo29 nicehash) disabled atm work in progress poolside
bminer v14.1 (cuckaroo29)
enable EnergiMiner v2.2.1 (nrghash Zergpool)
test x16rt on nlpool (both trex 091-gin & cryptodredge 0.16.2 are compatible)
Enable Lyra2v3 on NiceHash Zpool and Nlpool
Update ccminermtp to v1.1.13 (disabled by default requires 6gb ram or more)
CryptoDredge v0.16.2 cuda 10.0 (x16rt)
Setup Instructions:
Run NemosMiner.bat
1. Config tab
2. Set your Wallet address and Username
3. Select your pool
4. Save Config
5. Start
note: 2. you only need to change Username if you are using Miningpoolhub
Algo selection / removal
+algo for algo selection
-algo for algo removal
If "+" Used, all selected algo have to be listed
If "Minus" Used, all algo selected but exluded ones.
Do not combine + and - for the same algo
Algo list = -x16r
Will mine anything but x16r
Algo list = -x16r,-bcd
Will mine anything but x16r and bcd
Algo list = +x16r
Will mine only x16r
Algo list = +x16r,+bcd
Will mine only x16r and BCD
Algo list = +x16r
Will mine only x16r
Algo list blank
Will mine anything
Pools variants
24hr - uses last 24hour Actual API too request profit
-Low switching rate
plus - uses advanced calculations to reduce switching
-Medium switching rate
normal - uses current estimate API too request profit
-High switching rate
If you have Windows 7, 8, or 8.1, please update PowerShell:
CCMiner may need 'MSVCR120.dll' if you don't already have it:
CCMiner may need 'VCRUNTIME140.DLL' if you don't already have it:
running multiple cards its recommended to increase Virtual Memory 64gb is optimal
recommended/optimal Nvidia driver 417.71 /
Made for & Tested with 6x1070 6x1070ti 6x1080 6x1080ti 6x1660ti 6x2060 6x2070 6x2080 6x2080ti(users have reported up to 12cards working have not tested myself) Some miners do not support more that 9 cards
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NemosMiner Monitoring
Keep tabs on all your mining rigs from one place!
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hey minerx,
Is it possible to set auto changing clock speeds for different algos with this software?