Corruption: 28 missing files; e.g.: Chain/331258.ldb
bij Neo.Implementations.Blockchains.LevelDB.NativeHelper.CheckError(IntPtr error)
bij Neo.Implementations.Blockchains.LevelDB.DB.Open(String name, Options options)
bij Neo.Implementations.Blockchains.LevelDB.LevelDBBlockchain..ctor(String path)
bij Neo.Program.Main() in C:\Users\erik\Documents\Visual Studio 2017\Projects\neo-gui\neo-gui\Program.cs:regel 121
i am not a genius so i ask it here since the wallet is so complicated can i just delete the chain map and when i start the wallet again will it create a new chain map and sync again from the beginning?
or is it something else ?
First, make sure you backup the wallet .db3 file before you do anything.
You can just delete the "chain" folder and resync from start, this can be speeded up with the bootstrap file .
When I'm going to do something like restore an altcoin wallet what I (sometimes) do is rename the whole folder to something like "NEOwallet_OLD", this ensure you still have a copy of all your original stuff. Then reinstall a fresh copy of the wallet, once it has synced copy your backed up wallet to the newly installed version.