A few recent NEP5 projects
https://twitter.com/contentosioJarvis+ (JAR) ICO
Try DEMO on the website
http://www.jarvisplus.com/pc/index.en.html Twitter:
https://twitter.com/JarvisplusAI NXAD ICO
https://twitter.com/_nxadNurse Token
https://t.me/NurseTokenGroupChain of Things
https://twitter.com/ChainsOfThingsNEO Escrow
https://twitter.com/NeoEscrowThese are not referral links.
I also want to point out the importance of always making sure you are accessing OFFICIAL websites. This is important for any blockchain or cryptocurrency related site. Once you have confirmed the official site, make sure you bookmark it so you always have it available!!!!
Recently there have been an influx of scammers which could potentially cause unsuspecting people to lose money.
More importantly, wallet downloads are especially susceptible to being downloaded from a scammer. This was recently the case with the NEON wallet, fortunately this was recognized quickly and shared with the community.
If a link or announcement is shared on twitter, or any other social channel, I always check several official channels to ensure the information is accurate. Check the official Twitter & Telegram channels and then go to the official site that you have bookmarked, to download any updates.
I will share links to official sites for wallets but please do your own due diligence. Although I know I have bookmarked the official sites, I encourage you to ensure the links are official.
City of Zion
http://cityofzion.ioNEON Wallet is available from City of Zion under the resources tab
Aphilian Wallet
https://aphelion.org/Desktop and mobile wallet available. Also on the mobile wallet is an NEP5 exchange, it is still being updated and will be available to public soon. (I have not checked recently so the mobile trading may already be available)
O3 Labs
https://o3.network/This is also a mobile wallet and is most up to date, providing easy access to check your balance, claim gas, send/receive and check previous or pending transactions.
The addition of new NEP5 tokens is usually updated quickly, this is a nice wallet for on the go. Check your balance and recent NEO and NEP5 news.
NEO Tracker
https://neotracker.io/walletThis is a web wallet which gives you easy access to check your balance, claim gas, send/receive and check previous or pending transactions. Since it is a web wallet I only use it to check my balance by entering my address in the search bar. I only enter my Private Keys on wallets that I control. The above wallets I will use to make transactions and claim gas.
I started following the NEO ecosystem and sharing the information I have learned in order to provide a point of access. I spent many hours finding the proper channels to follow and official websites. I could have saved a lot of time had this information been available to me.
I hope you have found this helpful and are able to benefit from the shared information.
The information I have provided is from doing my own research and it is up to you to practice due diligence.