It is interesting to observe, how in the beginning this topic was about banning, not allowing, hiding, secretly gambling. Into understanding that is does not work, and it is better to educate and give proper knowledge on the subject. I was always telling that ban, hide or forbit is not a solution, and this only pauses the problem. Talking with kids is the best solution. Or it will be better to give a visual example. Dont get this wrong, that does not mean show how to gamble (but that will be good to do also, to show the object of discussion), but to show what gambling and reckless behaviour could lead to. Kids learn from watching.
Actually, that method is also good, but there's no harm in waiting for your child to ask before explaining it well. There's no harm in hiding gambling from our children while they can, even though they can find it on the internet or from their friends at school, basically it depends on what the situation is. People definitely have different ways of doing this, so it wouldn't be strange for me to see it, because everyone definitely has a different view and mindset from other gamblers. Not all parents like their children gambling even though they are still gambling as parents.
If we don't want our children to find out about gambling from our carelessness, we can actually just stop gambling because no matter how clever we are at hiding it, they will definitely find out someday. The point is, we don't have to explain what gambling is to our children, as long as they haven't asked, it's best not to have to explain it. Not all children like gambling, so there's no need to worry that they will enjoy gambling with their friends out there, it all depends on how we as parents educate them. but I'm not saying your method is wrong because everyone has a different solution because the situation will not be the same.

You see how many controversies you have mentioned in one post already

Not all parents and children are the same. Parents have different approach to education. Kids can learn about gambling outside. When half a year ago, people were claiming only "never gamble, because kids will get addicted".
Dont know if you ever hear such quote "the Forbidden fruit is sweet", but that perfectly works with kids. Those who advices never to gamble and hide act of gambling, just believe me, you cant 100% hide all your gambling activities, you cant hide all the time. One day you will get caught by kid while gambling, and the fact that you did it secretly, will only trigger to try and learn gambling.
Just a basic example. I am million times sure that parents forbit any one of us to smoke. However, many tried smoking when parents dont see. But, if instead of forbidding and punishing for smoking, mother would let take a drag from a cigarette (like an adult). That cough, burning lungs, tears in eyes would kill a wish to try smoking.