
Topic: Never gamble in front of your kids. - page 25. (Read 12692 times)

Activity: 2520
Merit: 1496
June 27, 2024, 05:04:28 AM
therefore I don’t think it's right for any parents to gamble in the presence of their kids, there are consequences that comes with that and could ruin their future.

I am not rooting for sitting in front of kids and gambling on purpose, or sit them nearby while you gamble. But what bad can happen if they see you gambling? Seriously? Usually I see kids are busy doing their own stuff, adults do their own. I kid wont even give a huge notice if you gamble casually.

I would also like to stress on that "there are consequences that comes with that and could ruin their future". Are you talking about addiction? Look, gambling section on the forum is one of the most popular, with thousands and thousands of posts and topics. It is visited by numerous users. Think we have many addicted gamblers here? Think among addicted to gambling users, many have children? And you think many of them are addicted? Imo the more we talk about addiction, the more that problem is pumped. IRL there are probably like 100 kids out of million, that are addicted.

I find it funny to be so serious about consequences and addiction among , when real amount of addicted gamblers isnt that much (people often confuse addiction with hobby). A kid has so many years in front to find new, experience new, that focusing only on gambling addiction is a joke. Better find an activity that kid will be really interested in, support his passion to it, and he wont notice bad around (not claiming that gambling is bad).
sr. member
Activity: 1316
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June 27, 2024, 04:04:02 AM
A father's interaction with his child is necessary and must be done from an early age because closeness with a child will emerge more easily if a father has more time to play with his own child. So what you say is also true that a father or mother should not show things that are not yet the time for a child who is not yet an adult to know or see. And one of the things that a child should not know about is gambling, although there are also several other things, but one of the things that is quite sacred is gambling.
Not every child could relate, especially those with a single parent, most times children are left alone at home and could learn unnecessary things from their society cause their parents are not able to communicate or even give them attention all in the name of busy work schedule, even though your work schedule is tight atleast parents should find quality time to build cordial relationship with their kids so as to know their day to day activities when they're not at home, the kind of friends they keep and if they're going astray and it would help them on the kind of advice to give to them, thereby educating them on things that would help them grow with good morals. I totally agree with you and I think that it's the duty of parents to guide their children against certain things and yes gambling is one of them, therefore I don’t think it's right for any parents to gamble in the presence of their kids, there are consequences that comes with that and could ruin their future.
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June 27, 2024, 03:12:58 AM
Parents can teach how their children respest to their parents so their children will not against their parents in anything. Respects to their parents is not like afraid doing something but it is like how they can close with their parents so parents and children can trust and listen each other so they can have better relationships.

It needs very long discussion to talks about parenting more details and that needs awareness from parents that they have children that can doing what their parents do. Parents can keep playing gambling but not with their children arounds them so their children will not do the same things as their parents.

An opportunity with children must be respected. Soon they'll grow to exhibit whatever they've learnt in the society surrounding them. However, have thought about means of handling kids and their numerous daily developed dramatic trouble which is definitely a big deal for adults to handle. Gambling in children's absence is quite reasonable to do, but not all the times would kids stay away from their parents, especially for a long time. Many children in the society learn not only from their parents.

They go about with multiple kids teaching each other new things happening around them especially through their parents. Hence, parents must do their part by staying actively vigilant on the characters their children exhibit. This will then help the parent to guide the children not to always bump him whenever he's busy with the computer. Probably, he could be gambling or doing something else. A straight instruction should be directed to the kids to focus on their assignments and let the dad or mom focus when busy on the laptop. Time for leisure should also be made out, because it's what interest the young ones.
full member
Activity: 784
Merit: 115
June 27, 2024, 02:50:24 AM
Parents must guided their children more but don't make a strict rules for them because they will not accept it and can becomes rebel to their parents. I already see many children not obey their parents and choose to be close to their friends which can gives a bad effect to them.

Yeah, that is a rather modern problem between children and parents. I have written before, that there must be sort of a respect between children and parents. Otherwise the kid win trust and listen what he was said. That is also why hiding gambling activity wont work. Because kid notice parents gamble, he wont understand why they can, but he cant do it. I can not stop repeating, that talking and explaining are the keys of parenting.
Parents can teach how their children respest to their parents so their children will not against their parents in anything. Respects to their parents is not like afraid doing something but it is like how they can close with their parents so parents and children can trust and listen each other so they can have better relationships.

It needs very long discussion to talks about parenting more details and that needs awareness from parents that they have children that can doing what their parents do. Parents can keep playing gambling but not with their children arounds them so their children will not do the same things as their parents.
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Activity: 1092
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June 27, 2024, 01:21:58 AM
If you don't want to explain more deepre about whatever you do with your devices then better to have that place inside your house that will not allow them to see you, it's true that they can easily imitate you by just watching you with what you are doing, especially now that the technology is really helping them to reach whatever they needed to learn.

At that young age they can search online especially if you allow them without any restrictions,.
I'm sure that even though parents hide the activities they do so that they don't see them, current social interactions can also make them aware of these activities, so when this happens they will hide from each other the activities they do. maybe we should open a conversation to advise them not to fall into the wrong thing even if we do it, by telling them maybe it could make them not do it even though outside interactions could make them do it but with the direction that has been given it could be a consideration for them not to do things that are wrong or harmful to themselves. because when they know and do it, they will definitely hide it, it is impossible for them to tell openly about what they did, even if they managed to get a win that could make them have a certain amount of money. because gambling is certainly an activity that is quite hostile among society.

as you said, they can search for it online without our knowledge or with us allowing it without any restrictions, of course that allows them to get to know and do it, so I think it's better to tell them first when they already have outside relationships.
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June 26, 2024, 07:14:55 AM

It is not surprising that children often imitate the activities or habits of their father or mother, because children under 10 years of age will follow the movements or games played by their father, so parents are obliged to have a special work space and forbid children to  children enter the room, so that what we do in that room we can do anything without the children knowing, if we have a special room for doing things like playing online gambling then it will be much more free for us to gamble in that room without having to be disturbed by  our children.

If you don't want to explain more deepre about whatever you do with your devices then better to have that place inside your house that will not allow them to see you, it's true that they can easily imitate you by just watching you with what you are doing, especially now that the technology is really helping them to reach whatever they needed to learn.

At that young age they can search online especially if you allow them without any restrictions,.

True, you can provide a secret place to gamble like you said or other things that I think can also be used as an alternative, and I don't think it's too complicated to hide your gambling habits from the eyes of the children in your house, you can gamble when they are doing other activities, because in general, usually a child also has his personal activities such as studying at school or napping, and you can take advantage of the situation for you to gamble at home with your smart phone.

This means that in my opinion it is not too difficult to do your gambling habit if you can position yourself and divide your time for the various activities you want to do, and when it comes to gambling then obviously we keep it a secret from a child, or gamble when you are away from the sight of a child, and I'm sure all parents must know the busy hours of a child, or know when your child is doing his habitual activities so that you can gamble when they are not around you.
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Activity: 1302
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Bitcoin Casino Est. 2013
June 26, 2024, 07:06:23 AM
At a growing age, children respond very quickly to what they see and hear. I definitely agree because I experienced it myself at home as a father with children. So it's certainly not a good act to do something in front of them, especially gambling.
It is recommended to interact more with them naturally with touch that makes them close to us.
Our habit with them will be permanent although I don't dare to guarantee 100%.
A father's interaction with his child is necessary and must be done from an early age because closeness with a child will emerge more easily if a father has more time to play with his own child. So what you say is also true that a father or mother should not show things that are not yet the time for a child who is not yet an adult to know or see. And one of the things that a child should not know about is gambling, although there are also several other things, but one of the things that is quite sacred is gambling.
Activity: 2996
Merit: 1054
Leading Crypto Sports Betting & Casino Platform
June 26, 2024, 06:48:36 AM
Children are able to pick up both positive and negative behaviors from their parents very quickly. Every child should be guided through positive behavior initially. Your bad qualities for the next generation will certainly not bring good results for yourself. You can gamble yourself it may be your hobby but it can be addictive for children as children are very soft minded and have the ability to internalize every behavior very keenly.
That's so true.

Children are good at copying their parents and I think we ought to be responsible for what we will show them or tell them. I have two kids that's why I know. The younger one sometimes copies what I say to his brother or her Mom and sometimes I get surprised how he can perfectly say it completely.
The same goes for habits at home. Sometimes, I see him just pressing my keyboard trying to mimic me like he is working too. Those are simple things and yet they can copy it perfectly so what more if our gambling is a habit that they see every day?
Someday they will learn about gambling and I don't want them having problems with that bad habit.
It is not surprising that children often imitate the activities or habits of their father or mother, because children under 10 years of age will follow the movements or games played by their father, so parents are obliged to have a special work space and forbid children to  children enter the room, so that what we do in that room we can do anything without the children knowing, if we have a special room for doing things like playing online gambling then it will be much more free for us to gamble in that room without having to be disturbed by  our children.

If you don't want to explain more deepre about whatever you do with your devices then better to have that place inside your house that will not allow them to see you, it's true that they can easily imitate you by just watching you with what you are doing, especially now that the technology is really helping them to reach whatever they needed to learn.

At that young age they can search online especially if you allow them without any restrictions,.
hero member
Activity: 1092
Merit: 507
Leading Crypto Sports Betting & Casino Platform
June 26, 2024, 03:20:35 AM
At a growing age, children respond very quickly to what they see and hear. I definitely agree because I experienced it myself at home as a father with children. So it's certainly not a good act to do something in front of them, especially gambling.
It is recommended to interact more with them naturally with touch that makes them close to us.
Our habit with them will be permanent although I don't dare to guarantee 100%.
what you say is true, children will of course react quickly to things they see and hear, especially with games which are of course very interesting for children, besides that children have a high and strong sense of curiosity, of course they can very interested in the things they have seen, but for parents who may not care about this, they are parents who in my opinion are not good at educating their children, because their children are allowed to see things they should not see before their time. Parents who think about their children's future will of course monitor their behavior in front of their children.

Even though parental upbringing does not completely guarantee that their children will do the same good things in the future, because their social environment can certainly influence them, as parents we should be able to educate and teach good things and tell our children to can differentiate between good and bad things, apart from that it is their own environment that will determine how they will be in the future, but it cannot be denied that education from their parents is very important for them so that they can consider what is good and bad for themselves.
Activity: 2520
Merit: 1496
June 26, 2024, 03:16:11 AM
Parents must guided their children more but don't make a strict rules for them because they will not accept it and can becomes rebel to their parents. I already see many children not obey their parents and choose to be close to their friends which can gives a bad effect to them.

Yeah, that is a rather modern problem between children and parents. I have written before, that there must be sort of a respect between children and parents. Otherwise the kid win trust and listen what he was said. That is also why hiding gambling activity wont work. Because kid notice parents gamble, he wont understand why they can, but he cant do it. I can not stop repeating, that talking and explaining are the keys of parenting.
full member
Activity: 784
Merit: 115
June 26, 2024, 02:10:57 AM
Children are able to pick up both positive and negative behaviors from their parents very quickly. Every child should be guided through positive behavior initially. Your bad qualities for the next generation will certainly not bring good results for yourself. You can gamble yourself it may be your hobby but it can be addictive for children as children are very soft minded and have the ability to internalize every behavior very keenly.
No doubt for that. Children will be easily to takes many things they see from adult people or their parents and doing that without adult people or their parents know. Parents must guided their children more but don't make a strict rules for them because they will not accept it and can becomes rebel to their parents. I already see many children not obey their parents and choose to be close to their friends which can gives a bad effect to them.

In this era, parents must watch out their children more carefully because the impacts of the things for their children can be worsen. If parents wants to do adult things, they can do that without their children knows, especially if parents wants to playing gambling so their children doesn't know about gambling although they can know gambling from many ads in their gadget.
Activity: 2520
Merit: 1496
June 25, 2024, 05:39:27 AM
It is true that kids copy parents behaviour. But like I've said previously several times - they dont copy parents completely, they are selective. Ok, they see you gambling, they want to try, the do try it with or without you. You think it will be better if your next move would be continue gambling secretly? In different room, when the kid is sleeping? Or explaining what he just learned, tried, and why he should wait when he hits 18 if he wants to gamble?

Ok, you are afraid that kids will copy you and start gambling. Then here are two things to discuss. 1) as they are less experienced in life than you, they might (or might not) try gambling, and switch to other activity. They are curious about everything. 2) what about other things they might want to try? Example - mowing lawn. Parents do that in front of kids all the time. Even ask to help sometimes. Imagine would be if kid tries to turn around mower and put fingers in knifes. Fingers will get cut right away, not in future (speaking about future gambling addiction). What do you suggest then? Do lawn mowing secretly or not in front of kids? Or cutting food in front of kids. How do you suppose to clean fish if kids are at the kitchen? What if they see you cutting head? Clean entrails? Or simply use knife at the kitchen. Kid might try to cut some food himself, and cut himself. All such things can also happen, if kids try to copy parents or adults. What do you suggest then to do? Not to do all that in front of them?
sr. member
Activity: 1848
Merit: 261
20BET - Premium Casino & Sportsbook
June 25, 2024, 05:11:41 AM
Children are able to pick up both positive and negative behaviors from their parents very quickly. Every child should be guided through positive behavior initially. Your bad qualities for the next generation will certainly not bring good results for yourself. You can gamble yourself it may be your hobby but it can be addictive for children as children are very soft minded and have the ability to internalize every behavior very keenly.
That's so true.

Children are good at copying their parents and I think we ought to be responsible for what we will show them or tell them. I have two kids that's why I know. The younger one sometimes copies what I say to his brother or her Mom and sometimes I get surprised how he can perfectly say it completely.
The same goes for habits at home. Sometimes, I see him just pressing my keyboard trying to mimic me like he is working too. Those are simple things and yet they can copy it perfectly so what more if our gambling is a habit that they see every day?
Someday they will learn about gambling and I don't want them having problems with that bad habit.
It is not surprising that children often imitate the activities or habits of their father or mother, because children under 10 years of age will follow the movements or games played by their father, so parents are obliged to have a special work space and forbid children to  children enter the room, so that what we do in that room we can do anything without the children knowing, if we have a special room for doing things like playing online gambling then it will be much more free for us to gamble in that room without having to be disturbed by  our children.
Activity: 3346
Merit: 1134
Leading Crypto Sports Betting & Casino Platform
June 25, 2024, 04:52:51 AM
Children are able to pick up both positive and negative behaviors from their parents very quickly. Every child should be guided through positive behavior initially. Your bad qualities for the next generation will certainly not bring good results for yourself. You can gamble yourself it may be your hobby but it can be addictive for children as children are very soft minded and have the ability to internalize every behavior very keenly.
That's so true.

Children are good at copying their parents and I think we ought to be responsible for what we will show them or tell them. I have two kids that's why I know. The younger one sometimes copies what I say to his brother or her Mom and sometimes I get surprised how he can perfectly say it completely.
The same goes for habits at home. Sometimes, I see him just pressing my keyboard trying to mimic me like he is working too. Those are simple things and yet they can copy it perfectly so what more if our gambling is a habit that they see every day?
Someday they will learn about gambling and I don't want them having problems with that bad habit.
full member
Activity: 126
Merit: 93
June 25, 2024, 04:35:45 AM
As a parents for the sake of living an exemplary life it would be highly beneficial not to gamble in front of your kids especially the growing ones, same time we should not hide or let our kids be ignorant about Gambling.
At a growing age, children respond very quickly to what they see and hear. I definitely agree because I experienced it myself at home as a father with children. So it's certainly not a good act to do something in front of them, especially gambling.
It is recommended to interact more with them naturally with touch that makes them close to us.
Our habit with them will be permanent although I don't dare to guarantee 100%.
Children can do what their parents do so when children see their parents playing gambling, they can do the same thing with their friends. That will be too risky for them if they gambling without any adults see because they can use the money that their parents gives. Besides that, children now becomes smarter to hides what they do from their parents so they will playing gambling without anyone knows. Interact with our children is a must because we can know what they do, especially with their friends because they can tells their activity with their friends and we can suggest them something for their own good. If they almost do something that can harm them, we can advice what they should do so they will not gets any bad things.
Children are able to pick up both positive and negative behaviors from their parents very quickly. Every child should be guided through positive behavior initially. Your bad qualities for the next generation will certainly not bring good results for yourself. You can gamble yourself it may be your hobby but it can be addictive for children as children are very soft minded and have the ability to internalize every behavior very keenly.
Activity: 2520
Merit: 1496
June 25, 2024, 03:22:53 AM
It is interesting to observe, how in the beginning this topic was about banning, not allowing, hiding, secretly gambling. Into understanding that is does not work, and it is better to educate and give proper knowledge on the subject. I was always telling that ban, hide or forbit is not a solution, and this only pauses the problem. Talking with kids is the best solution. Or it will be better to give a visual example. Dont get this wrong, that does not mean show how to gamble (but that will be good to do also, to show the object of discussion), but to show what gambling and reckless behaviour could lead to. Kids learn from watching.

Great observation, mate. This topic has been evolving exactly as you said. And it's a good thing, innit? I think humanity knows that banning doesn't work, having possessed this knowledge for about 100 years. And here in our community we know that too.

We should definitely not be showing our kids "how to gamble"(only idiots think they know it and only double idiots are telling something like this to their kids), but explaining to our kids, with examples, that trying to make money through gambling is a stupid idea, that's what wouldn't hurt.

I am happy that people start to use their head and think more about how to raise their kids, instead of following old stereotypes. People should stop using methods their grandpas and grandmas used to raise their parents, but instead adopt to reality. Use own experience and brain, instead of listening advices and obligations elder people say. For example I still dont understand why kids must consume such large masses of food, that elders stuck in them. The kid knows when he is full. The kid does not require to consume pasta, soup, whole chicken, fish, meat, and a bucket of vegetables for the breakfast. As well as stereotype to wear gloves in winter all the time. Bacteria dies in cold, kids have pockets, and -1c is not an extreme chill.

Same with gambling. Who has created such stereotype that those who gamble are 100% addicted? Who has created a stereotype, that if kids sees other gamble, he will also gamble? Who has created a stereotype that gambling is bad? I am also getting mad when parents overreact, forbit everything. Dont do that, dont go there, dont jump, dont run, slow down and etc, because you will get hurt. How a kid learn anything if he hasnt experienced anything?
full member
Activity: 784
Merit: 115
June 25, 2024, 02:42:08 AM
As a parents for the sake of living an exemplary life it would be highly beneficial not to gamble in front of your kids especially the growing ones, same time we should not hide or let our kids be ignorant about Gambling.
At a growing age, children respond very quickly to what they see and hear. I definitely agree because I experienced it myself at home as a father with children. So it's certainly not a good act to do something in front of them, especially gambling.
It is recommended to interact more with them naturally with touch that makes them close to us.
Our habit with them will be permanent although I don't dare to guarantee 100%.
Children can do what their parents do so when children see their parents playing gambling, they can do the same thing with their friends. That will be too risky for them if they gambling without any adults see because they can use the money that their parents gives. Besides that, children now becomes smarter to hides what they do from their parents so they will playing gambling without anyone knows. Interact with our children is a must because we can know what they do, especially with their friends because they can tells their activity with their friends and we can suggest them something for their own good. If they almost do something that can harm them, we can advice what they should do so they will not gets any bad things.
Activity: 3374
Merit: 2198
🌀 Cosmic Casino
June 25, 2024, 02:26:50 AM
It is interesting to observe, how in the beginning this topic was about banning, not allowing, hiding, secretly gambling. Into understanding that is does not work, and it is better to educate and give proper knowledge on the subject. I was always telling that ban, hide or forbit is not a solution, and this only pauses the problem. Talking with kids is the best solution. Or it will be better to give a visual example. Dont get this wrong, that does not mean show how to gamble (but that will be good to do also, to show the object of discussion), but to show what gambling and reckless behaviour could lead to. Kids learn from watching.

Great observation, mate. This topic has been evolving exactly as you said. And it's a good thing, innit? I think humanity knows that banning doesn't work, having possessed this knowledge for about 100 years. And here in our community we know that too.

We should definitely not be showing our kids "how to gamble"(only idiots think they know it and only double idiots are telling something like this to their kids), but explaining to our kids, with examples, that trying to make money through gambling is a stupid idea, that's what wouldn't hurt.
Activity: 2520
Merit: 1496
June 19, 2024, 03:26:56 AM
It is interesting to observe, how in the beginning this topic was about banning, not allowing, hiding, secretly gambling. Into understanding that is does not work, and it is better to educate and give proper knowledge on the subject. I was always telling that ban, hide or forbit is not a solution, and this only pauses the problem. Talking with kids is the best solution. Or it will be better to give a visual example. Dont get this wrong, that does not mean show how to gamble (but that will be good to do also, to show the object of discussion), but to show what gambling and reckless behaviour could lead to. Kids learn from watching.
Actually, that method is also good, but there's no harm in waiting for your child to ask before explaining it well. There's no harm in hiding gambling from our children while they can, even though they can find it on the internet or from their friends at school, basically it depends on what the situation is. People definitely have different ways of doing this, so it wouldn't be strange for me to see it, because everyone definitely has a different view and mindset from other gamblers. Not all parents like their children gambling even though they are still gambling as parents.

If we don't want our children to find out about gambling from our carelessness, we can actually just stop gambling because no matter how clever we are at hiding it, they will definitely find out someday. The point is, we don't have to explain what gambling is to our children, as long as they haven't asked, it's best not to have to explain it. Not all children like gambling, so there's no need to worry that they will enjoy gambling with their friends out there, it all depends on how we as parents educate them. but I'm not saying your method is wrong because everyone has a different solution because the situation will not be the same.  Wink

You see how many controversies you have mentioned in one post already Cheesy Not all parents and children are the same. Parents have different approach to education. Kids can learn about gambling outside. When half a year ago, people were claiming only "never gamble, because kids will get addicted".

Dont know if you ever hear such quote "the Forbidden fruit is sweet", but that perfectly works with kids. Those who advices never to gamble and hide act of gambling, just believe me, you cant 100% hide all your gambling activities, you cant hide all the time. One day you will get caught by kid while gambling, and the fact that you did it secretly, will only trigger to try and learn gambling.

Just a basic example. I am million times sure that parents forbit any one of us to smoke. However, many tried smoking when parents dont see. But, if instead of forbidding and punishing for smoking, mother would let take a drag from a cigarette (like an adult). That cough, burning lungs, tears in eyes would kill a wish to try smoking.
Activity: 2464
Merit: 1039
Bitcoin Trader
June 18, 2024, 10:10:55 AM
It is interesting to observe, how in the beginning this topic was about banning, not allowing, hiding, secretly gambling. Into understanding that is does not work, and it is better to educate and give proper knowledge on the subject. I was always telling that ban, hide or forbit is not a solution, and this only pauses the problem. Talking with kids is the best solution. Or it will be better to give a visual example. Dont get this wrong, that does not mean show how to gamble (but that will be good to do also, to show the object of discussion), but to show what gambling and reckless behaviour could lead to. Kids learn from watching.
Actually, that method is also good, but there's no harm in waiting for your child to ask before explaining it well. There's no harm in hiding gambling from our children while they can, even though they can find it on the internet or from their friends at school, basically it depends on what the situation is. People definitely have different ways of doing this, so it wouldn't be strange for me to see it, because everyone definitely has a different view and mindset from other gamblers. Not all parents like their children gambling even though they are still gambling as parents.

If we don't want our children to find out about gambling from our carelessness, we can actually just stop gambling because no matter how clever we are at hiding it, they will definitely find out someday. The point is, we don't have to explain what gambling is to our children, as long as they haven't asked, it's best not to have to explain it. Not all children like gambling, so there's no need to worry that they will enjoy gambling with their friends out there, it all depends on how we as parents educate them. but I'm not saying your method is wrong because everyone has a different solution because the situation will not be the same.  Wink
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