The economy of the so called "west" is artificially pumped by the money printing machines. BRICS countries have a big enough population and natural resources to survive without the "west". Can the "west" survive without the BRICS countries? Most likely yes, but at the cost of lowering the standard of living of the western middle class.
Okay, let's assume. But then what do the BRICS countries do? And why do they often have huge inflation, economic problems, and dependence on Western markets for consumption and technology?
And who gave these countries technology? From agricultural to high-tech? Equipment ? You can't become smart just by printing money, and you can't invent a processor or the Internet
And explain - why are all the "independent, non-printing money" BRICS economies so afraid of losing the EU / US markets, and so afraid of sanctions, from those whose economy is built only on paper printing, which, by the way, BRICS does not use?