Even if you manage to get your funds returned, this sort of behaviour by Rocketpot is just substandard and not acceptable in business terms.
It is a shame because this website and project had lots of potential but it has not exactly been managed in a great way. If the OP manages to pull his act together then he still might have a chance of turning things around until then with almost zero visitors and a failed attempt at the Crash game the whole thing looks like it might fail
Constantly having this delay or error withdrawal issue will really be putting up their reputation at risk.This might be a common technical error but it should really be fixed and dont let this one to go in severe.
The amount we've been talking above isnt something that can be ignored of but it seems that they do still have time on making a response out of this thread?
I think it is a technical problem they are trying to fix and not a personal shady thing that they are doing, obviously we can't know which one is the real deal and what they are doing but we haven't seen or heard about a collective problem that they have caused, not like they are not giving back people's money in bunches, it is just one person and the other type of deal, many can still withdraw.
It means it must be some technical problem that caused this, or maybe even a problem that was due to getting these accounts red flagged so they are checking it closely, whatever the reason is, I hope it is not rocketpot becoming a shady place all of a sudden, if that is the case I agree with @Jollygood that it is definitely a problem and I doubt it would go on to be a good place anymore but it had such a huge potential so it would be a big shame that it became not so much loved suddenly.