Well saying there is a problem with Mexico is undeniable.
But that does not mean the only solution is to make Mexico pay for a wall.
There could be other solutions to the problem.
And immigrants and refugee's are not the same thing.
Immigrants are what made your country Americans.
And guess what the word American means ?
Anyone in North America the continent.. the USA and Canada and Mexico.. we are all "
The statue of liberty is crying one guy said.
The immigrants are what fuel a country.
The vetting procedure is another matter.
Trump closed the border between all the major MUSLIM country's.
Iraq, Syria etc.
It's funny that the USA revolves around a dependence on foreigners yet Trump wants to slam the door closed.
Political bobble heads for example are made for US presidents.. in China.
If they are made in the USA they cost a $100 each.
seen a show on that on TV)
What happens when you force everything to be made in house ?
Forcing Apple to make the iPhones in the USA ?
What happens when your entire country has illegal's doing the lesser quality jobs ?
And they are cut off ?
Hillary pointed out publicly before that Trump's plan to round up illegals and boot them out is a fantasy.
The actual cost & logistics of it is silly.. it really couldn't be done with out bankrupting the country basically.
And that would be just like Hitler like i said earlier huh ?
Funny how history repeats huh ?
Germans gets fooled and elects a NAZI dictator then years later the USA does.
Immigrants are NEEDED for a country to function.
The vetting process is what it is all about.
Spreading Muslim fear is not going to do any good either.
Myself as a white guy from Canada with older Dutch heritage recognize i came from another place long ago.
Canada is a multi-cultural melting pot of cultures that come together as one unit.
The only complaints i have with users coming here is when they simply want to set up segregated little sections of our country to mimic their own old home country.. AKA: China town.
I say they are welcome to join us but they need to integrate into our society in a reasonable way.
And yes we WILL accommodate them also !
We let East Indians wear a turban in the official RCMP Police uniform for example.
We make concessions for them.. we compromise.. we are ALL Canadian !
I think Trumps decisions are horrendous and do far more harm then good.. and he is just getting started !
Americans i am concerned for you guys