I have updated the Google Mining Guide with the new script as well.
How to Setup Google Cloud Mining
- Bunnywinkles
This guide assumes you have a Google Cloud account. I will refer to the Google Menu button as the hamburger.
Setup an Instance Template
1. Click the hamburger and navigate to "Compute Engine"
2. Click on "Instance Templates"
3. Click "Create Instance Template"
4. Name your instance. No spaces, lower case only.
5. For a trial account I reccomend the "n1-highcpu-8", for full accounts use "n1-highcpu-2".
6. Under "Boot Disk" click "Change"
7. Select "Ubuntu 14.04 LTS", change "Boot Disk Type" to "Standard persistance disk"
8. Click "Management, disk, networking, SSH keys" to open additional options
9. Past the following into the startup script:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y git libcurl4-openssl-dev libssl-dev make build-essential libboost-all-dev libdb++-dev libgmp-dev
git clone
cd PrimePoolMiner && mkdir build
make -j8 -f makefile.unix
echo '#!/bin/bash
./nexus_cpuminer 9549 [YOURADDYHERE]' > && chmod +x
screen -dmS thescreen ./
10. Replace [YOURADDYHERE] with your address (Remove the barckets as well)
11. Turn "Preemptibility" On
12. Click "Create"
Setup a Health Check
1. Click "Health checks"
2. Click "Create Health Check"
3. Name your health check. No spaces, lower case only.
4. Change "Check interval" to 10 seconds
5. Change "Unhealthy threshold" to 5 consecutive failures
6. Click "Save"
Setup an Instance Group
1. Click "Instance Groups"
2. Click "Create Instance Group"
3. Name your instance group. No spaces, lower case only.
4. Select a zone. Trial accounts are limited to 8 vCPUs per region (us-central, etc). You should create a group for each region to maximize profits
5. Full accounts can modify the "Number of Instances" so they can fill their quota
6. In the "Instance Template" dropdown select your template you created
7. In the "Health Check" select your health check
8. Click "Create"
If this helped you at all feel free to toss me some NXS or BTC
NXS 2SWdVpuNTGjDti2bVn4kpXTsX5B3iKJWCU92LDtuQ6ck1HJmejy
BTC 1CeJm1wcz1pYfi7a2C93Mg643ZLkKQz1eg
Updated Mining Script