We are committed to periodically repay the remaining amount to all users in the coming months."
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Checked out the repayment program - Here's what you're agreeing to:
Repayment program
By entering the NiceHash Repayment program you acknowledge that NiceHash will fully reimburse your old balance, without any interest, to your current balance in parts. You also agree with your old balance amount of 0.XXXXX BTC and once you enter the program NiceHash will not be able to change that amount.
Old balance will be reimbursed only in Bitcoin (BTC), without any interest, and not in the fiat value or any other cryptocurrency.
Enter repayment program
*Repayment program starts on Friday, February 2nd, 2018.
Disclaimer: By reimbursing of your old balance, NICEHASH d.o.o. does not, in any way or by any means, assume liability for the damages occurred because of NiceHash security breach on December 6, 2017.