Ahh ffs. Nobody wants a "genderless society" where everyone has to be genderless, many people (me included) want a society where anyone is free to dress and behave as whatever gender they want, or no gender at all, without getting abuse. What harm are they doing to you?
The paranoia of some people on this issue is amazing. The only organised "gay lobby" that actually exists is not concerned with convincing you that you secretly love a thick salami in the back passage, they are concerned with frivolous things, like trying to stop gay teenagers being beaten up in school, or desperately trying to help them understand that life is worth living.
And it's not exactly like they don't have to struggle. "Christian Lobbyist Plans 'National Boycott' For Team That Drafts Openly Gay Michael Sam To NFL"
In addition have you ever considered that these resistance groups are springing up as a result of the turn by some of these groups to aggressive and destructive policies and stunts designed to raise money for these groups, at the expense of everyone (including gays and feminists whom they don't really represent). This is a problem with ANY activist group who achieves its goals. They never disband, they are stuck creating bigger and bigger events to raise money so they can keep their nice cooshy nonprofit jobs. So in the end this is more about greed than bigotry as a result of these types of actions.