Is that why noble's price lowered?
Because no one is buying it? And there is someone that is not much interested in the value to go up just now! Coinex bot is a proof of that trading always on a downtrend! If this keeps up we are going to see Noble trading under 20 satoshi and keeps on going till someone starts actually buying and putting some buy support walls! I already did my investment at higher prices. I am not going to invest again when no one cares to put some buy support on this coin especially when there is only one exchange with significant volume trading it! There is also another way which is to add Noble to other large exchanges other than Coinex but it seems very hard to do that! Go figure...
Yes, in general, when BTC goes up, a lot of folks diversify and shift a portion of their funds in the various alts to BTC so that they can ride the upswing and quickly gain profits or recoup losses (generally, the latter is the case when people have a significant amount of their crypto-currency portfolio in alts).
That said, looking at the trend for the week, NOBLE has been on a slight downturn. Although trading bots are a factor, I think news surrounding other crypto-currencies and the extended downtime of has had a more significant impact on price.
For kicks and giggles, I'll say that assuming BTC gets up to around $750 this week, I see a low-floor of NOBLE at around 29-32 satoshi. As BTC goes on its upswing and more people recoup losses, I would expect a delayed response from the various alt-markets as people put money back into alt-markets once recovery is significant enough. With the additional news from the Devs and the restart of hopefully sometime this week (despite all of the negativity surrounding the extended downtime), I expect a fairly strong bounce back. Can't say where the new floor will be after that though.