As I have had an issue with two wallets I upgraded from 2.0.1 to ver2.0.2 with 5 million coins in each, after I had put all my staking interest back into one wallet address a few days later and upgraded to 2.2 it started staking backwards counting down the blocks. I have now loaded a new ver 2.0.4 and the one wallet shows only 1 million now out of 5 million, I have not done the second wallet at this stage,
Any how to directional pages on this and or how to get wallet keys from old and reload into the new 2.0.4 wallet if this is the way to fix the problem and or has it been hacked?
I dont know if I can help in your case, but maibe useful info for someone. I migrated no problem from first POW wallet v1.0.1 to new POS wallet v2.0.4. after forgotten cca 3y(bussy life ), following this instructions. I was scared that I would need to manually import every transaction that I got in the old wallet (it didnt sync any more), but luckly it turned out that I only needed to insert one transaction for every adress from where I was receiving coins (couple mining pools and exchanges) and all other transactions linked automaticaly.
I missed quite some noble not staking all this time