Hi everyone,
Just a quick update to cover everything that has been going on the last couple of days which we hope will continue this run. We have had a lot of fun, met and built an amazing community, and are honoured by the responses and positivity we have received. While this might sound a little cliché, it definitely feels much bigger than just us now and has really made us want to apply what we consider a NOBLE way of doing this: by being completely transparent, by acting with integrity an honour in a market that makes it difficult sometimes, and by remaining loyal to those who have shown complete strangers (for now - a note on myself below) their trust and enthusiasm.
1. We have fleshed out our initial
NOBLE Movement plan (seen
here, with the overview image also shown on the OP).
2. We sent a letter to CoinedUp approximately 1.5 days ago asking to be considered for their next round of additions. We are cautious about exchanges but know they are a necessity in this environment. It is our plan to constantly work hard at trying to increase NOBLE holders, rather than NOBLE sellers. I am happy to publish this letter on the site later. It is not meant to appear pushy and we have received no response so it merely to remain open in how we communicate and attempt to do business with the exchanges behind the scenes.
ZAPTO POOL:3. We have had a lot of issues with pools the last 12 hours - and for this I apologise. At the moment Valid-Error seems fine.
I will have to stand by my assurance of covering Zapto - as it seems he lost everything (doubt that or otherwise is up to you - he seems like a pretty reasonable young fella and has worked hard in IRC for a while). I have a screenshot of everyone mining at the time - and will need PM's from the anonymous guys so I can cover. I think the best way is to get a similar hashrate on another NOBLE pool and show your name - and I will send the amount that you should have received. Anyone under #15 or a hashrate of 783 will have to PM me, and I can cover you also as you were not on my list.
4. I have given my personal details (including Facebook/LinkedIn) to the regular members of IRC in the public channel (about 25 members) in order to continue to promote transparency. It was merely in the spirit of openness and did not want to make it about 'me' - a team page will be coming soon so that everyone can see who we are, what we do, and have names.
Hope this covers everything for now. Any feedback, ideas or things I've missed please let me know. Cheers