I'd also want to know that. It looks like they just want to get more coins to themselves.
timmyd and stuipooi123 are roommates for god's sake, they even posted their pictures. What the fuck committee members are thinking about?
GatorJMT and bluewhackadoo are a couple and both accounts have huge activity. Do you even check profiles before making a decision? Damn.
haggis and wegsturm also rommates and also have acivity, especially haggis.
With Case P84 I agree. There are three new accounts smartbomb, cupper5 and ZTP62 registered within few minutes on the forum. I don't believe they are three different people.
We did register onto the forum at the same time and we are 3 different people. Our money is gone and we are not stakeholders in nodecoin . It's your loss guys.