Have a quick question as still relatively new to mining things...
I have this hub:
https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIADA26E73842Which works fine with 2 of the GhekkoScience ASIC miners in it (2 x
https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B06XBWK2W5/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 and 1 similar but from a different supplier on Amazon)...
But whenever I plug my 3rd miner into it, the 3rd one drops from 15Gh/s to around 20Mh/s... Am I doing something stupidly noob with things? The USB should be able to handle it shouldn`t it?
I aim to upgrade things eventually to the 10 port one mentioned in this thread a few times, but for now, 3 of the miners in this Hub should work shouldn`t they?
I have a small desk fan which is keeping the 2 in there now nice and cool so I really want to be able to plug the 3rd in in there also as currently I have to have it in one of the other PC USB ports in order to keep it running at 15Gh/s but this means I don`t have it close to a fan and so is going to overheat a lot...
Anybody know what I`m doing wrong or able to point out the probably obvious thing to everybody else thing I haven`t likely done to run all 3?
I may be a complete muppet and have this plugged in to a USB2 port... I will need to wait until I get home to confirm but this would likely result in the above issue wouldn`t it with the lower transfer rates?