It took me a while to find you, but now I'm following.
I'm so sorry about all the uproar I caused in those first hours of the contest. I was pretty sure the url wasn't visible on the side panel of instawallet, but those thieves must have used some pretty sophisticated enhancement tools
I have to say, I'm really excited about all the possibilities of this new movement. I've been waiting a long time for this type of opportunity to surface, and I am totally open to collaborative projects and special requests
oh...and in case anyone is interested in my new album...
Welcome to bitcoins LadyBytes you wouldn't be the first to have your 15 minutes of shame with Bitcoins You did a mighty fine job of explaining bitcoins to prospective GirlsGoneBitcoin ladies ... we applaud your effort! I think I speak for everyone when I say your very smart to pick up on the technology lingo and the such .... keep up the good work!
+1 welcome and nice new album hehe, you said something about making pancakes for the next one... ?