Hash: SHA512
Release 1.7.0e
431f0bc71e4ff4734cac1df493e89d9af4cd8d129db448ae1ab0cdadeb4a6617 nxt-client-1.7.0e.zip
99e19887bb41a52197062f78e68c798eefb999c2db0e73d38100ef0b3c8588b9 nxt-client-1.7.0e.jar
https://bitbucket.org/JeanLucPicard/nxt/downloads/nxt-client-1.7.0e.exeThe exe and jar packages must have a digital signature by "Stichting NXT".
This is an experimental release for testing only. Source code is not provided.
Change log:
This is an experimental release. The new features will be activated at block
483000 on testnet (Nov 30) and 621000 on production (estimated Jan 21, 2016).
All testnet nodes are required to upgrade to this release. Those that don't
will remain on a fork.
Production nodes will need to upgrade to the stable 1.7 version once it is
released (expected before end of December), but in any case before the
hardfork scheduled for block 621000.
New features:
Coin Shuffling. This feature is based on the paper by Tim Ruffing et al,
http://crypsys.mmci.uni-saarland.de/projects/CoinShuffle/coinshuffle.pdf .
Coin shuffling can be used to perform mixing of NXT, MS currencies (unless
created as non-shuffleable), or AE assets. Any account can create a new
shuffling, specifying the holding to be shuffled, the shuffle amount, number
of participants required, and registration deadline. This is done using the
shufflingCreate API. The subsequent shuffling steps can be done either
manually, by using the shufflingRegister (for accounts other than the
creator), shufflingProcess, shufflingVerify or shufflingCancel APIs, or, much
more conveniently, by starting an automated Shuffler, using the startShuffler
API. Once started, the Shuffler monitors the blockchain state for transactions
relevant to the specified shuffle, and automatically submits the required
transactions on behalf of the user, performing shuffle processing,
verification, or cancellation as needed. To do this, the Shuffler is required
to keep the user secret phrase in memory, therefore it should be run on a
trusted local machine only. A restart or a crash of the node requires the
shuffler to be started again using the startShuffler API, as it should never
save the user secret phrase on disk.
To participate in a shuffling, a deposit of 1000 NXT is needed, in addition
to the amount of currency or asset being shuffled. Or if shuffling NXT, the
amount of the shuffle must exceed this 1000 NXT minimum. If the shuffling
completes successfully, this amount is added to the recipient account balance,
to allow it to send outgoing transactions (as it is required that only new,
unused accounts are specified as recipients). If the shuffle fails due to
a registered participant failing to participate as required, or intentionally
submitting false data, the participant responsible for the shuffle
cancellation is penalized by retaining this deposit and sending it to the
forgers of the shuffle finish block and the previous three blocks instead.
If a shuffle is cancelled because the required number of participants is not
met, nobody is penalized and all deposits are refunded. On testnet, the deposit
and penalty is 7 NXT only.
After shuffling registration is complete, participants must submit processing
data within a 100 blocks period each (10 blocks on testnet). For the
verification and blame phase, the total allowance for all participants is 100
+ numberOfParticipants blocks (again reduced to 10 + n blocks on testnet).
Full blocks are not counted towards the limit. If at any stage the deadline is
reached without some participant submitting the next required transaction, the
shuffling is cancelled at this participant's fault. It is therefore critical
that after registering for a shuffling, the shuffler started is left running
until its successful completion. If the node must be restarted, all previously
running shufflers must be started again manually.
Query APIs to retrieve currently running shufflers, shufflings, and shuffling
participants are: getAllShufflings, getAccountShufflings,
getAssignedShufflings, getHoldingShufflings, getShufflers, getShuffling, and
If desired, finished shufflings can be automatically deleted from the database
if the nxt.deleteFinishedShufflings property is set to true (default is false).
The fee for creating a shuffling or registering in one is 1 NXT, for the
shuffling process or shuffling cancel transactions 10 NXT, and for the verify
transaction 1 NXT.
Account control for phased transactions. Any account can be restricted to only
be allowed to issue phased transactions subject to a specific voting model.
This is achieved by the account submitting a setPhasingOnly transaction using
the setPhasingOnlyControl API. The getPhasingOnlyControl API can be used to
retrieve the status of an account phasing control, and
getAllPhasingOnlyControls to get all accounts subject to phasing control with
their respective restrictions.
Once set, the phasing only account control can only be disabled or changed
with another setPhasingOnly transaction, itself subject to the currently set
phasing restrictions.
Note that by-transaction and by-hash voting models are not allowed for phasing
control, and setting voting model to none is used to disable the control.
To prevent deadlocks due to cyclic account control restrictions, approval
transactions themselves (PhasingVoteCasting) are not subject to phasing only
account control.
When setting phasing account control, a maximum fees total can be specified,
limiting the total fees for currently pending phased transactions of the
controlled account, and limits can be placed on minimum and maximum phasing
duration allowed.
Transactions of accounts subject to phasing account control with restriction
on maximum fees are throttled at one per account per block.
Immediate release of phased transactions on approval. Phased transactions with
a voting model that does not depend on account balance (such as by-transaction
or by-hash), or by-account with no minimum balance and with a whitelist, will
be released before their finish height as soon as approved (in the block in
which the transaction causing their approval is executed), if possible. Such
early finish is guaranteed for transaction types known to be phasing safe. For
others, if the early finish does not succeed due to the transaction failing
validation at this height or conflicting with another transaction in the same
block, a second, final release attempt will be performed at finish height.
New base target adjustment algorithm. Average block times will be 60 s, with
1440 blocks per day. Block times should practically never exceed 10 min.
Limit of 1000 NXT on minimum forging balance. This applies to the total of the
account own guaranteed balance plus any balances leased to it, but not to each
individual balance lease. An account with balance lower than the limit can
still lease its balance to another.
Account properties. Those are name / value pairs that can be set on any
account (except Genesis), by either the account owner, or by another account.
Names are limited to 32 characters, and values to 160 characters. Names are
unique per account and per setter account, but not globally unique. Account
properties cannot be transferred between accounts. The setter of an account
property can edit it by replacing its value with another. Either the setter,
or the recipient (if different) of an account property can delete it. There
is no limit on the number of properties an account can have. Fee for setting
account property is 1 NXT for value up to 32 chars, with additional 1 NXT fee
for every 32 chars after that.
Account properties are managed using the setAccountProperty and
deleteAccountProperty APIs. To query the properties of an account, or those
set by an account, the getAccountProperties API can be used.
Singleton assets. Issuing an asset with a quantity of 1, decimals 0, and
description length not exceeding 160 characters, will require a base minimum
fee of 1 NXT only, instead of the regular 1000 NXT asset issuance fee. For
description of more than 32 chars, an extra 1 NXT fee is added for each 32
chars. Asset name for singleton assets is limited to 10 chars, same as for
regular assets.
Throttling of unique resource allocation transactions. Asset issuance
(excluding singleton assets), monetary system currency issuance, and alias
assignment (excluding re-assignment), will be limited to only one transaction
of each type accepted per block.
Spreading back block fees for asset and currency issuance. The transaction
fees for asset (excluding singleton assets) and currency issuance will be
split between the forgers of the current and the previous three blocks in a
4:3:2:1 ratio.
Prunable plain and prunable encrypted message attachments both allowed in the
same transaction. The maximum data size for each such attachment is 42 kbytes,
but when coexisting in the same transaction the sum of the two is still being
limited by the maximum payload size of 44880 bytes.
Peers that provide http or https API access open to anyone, configured with
nxt.apiServerHost= and nxt.allowedBotHosts=* , are now labelled as
providing a service, API or API_SSL, and can be found using the getPeers API
with the corresponding "service" parameter. This API has been modified to
accept multivalued "service" parameter, returning peers that match all
requested services. The ports on which the open API access is running are
included in the peer info of peers providing those services as apiPort and
apiSSLPort fields.
Incompatible changes:
Deletion of asset shares will be performed as a separate AssetDelete
transaction type instead of as sending the shares to Genesis. Sending shares
to Genesis will no longer be allowed. A new API, getAssetDeletes has been
added to retrieve asset deletions, as using the getAssetTransfers API to find
transfers to Genesis account no longer can be used for that purpose. There is
also a new API, getExpectedAssetDeletes, to get asset deletes expected in the
next block, analogous to getExpectedAssetTransfers.
Since both prunable plain and prunable encrypted messages can now be added to
the same transaction, the APIs getAllPrunableMessages, getPrunableMessage, and
getPrunableMessages cannot continue to use just a single "isText" boolean field
in the JSON response to indicate if the prunable message is text or binary.
For all prunable plain messages, a new "messageIsText" boolean field is added,
and for all prunable encrypted messages, a new "encryptedMessageIsText" boolean
field is added in the response of the above APIs, for each message.
For backwards compatibility, the "isText" field will continue to be added, but
only for transactions that have either plain, or encrypted, prunable message
attachment, not for those that have both.
This change does not affect the attachment JSON returned from getTransaction
API, as there are already separate messageIsText and encryptedMessage.isText
fields there.
Fees and size limit changes. Several transaction types or attachments will
have new fees and size limits, to encourage users to utilize the prunable
versions when available, and to make fees proportionate to actual blockchain
space consumed.
Base fee 2 NXT, with 2 NXT additional fee for each 32 chars of name plus URI
total length, after the first 32 chars. Name and URI size limits remain at
100 and 1000 chars respectively.
Messages and EncryptedMessages (non-prunable):
Maximum length reduced to 160 bytes. 1 NXT fee for each 32 bytes after the
first 32 bytes. For encrypted messages, the length is measured excluding the
nonce and the 16 byte AES initialization vector, and to account for those
there is an extra fee of 1 NXT.
Fees and size limit for prunable messages remain unchanged.
Base fee 1 NXT, with 2 NXT additional fee for each 32 chars of name plus
description total length, after the first 32 chars. Name and description size
limits remain at 100 and 1000 chars. AccountInfo transactions throttled at
one per block.
Base fee 10 NXT for polls with up to 20 options, and total size of poll name
plus poll description plus total option length not exceeding 320 chars. For
each option above 20, an additional fee of 1 NXT, and for each 32 chars after
320, an additional fee of 2 NXT. Poll creation throttled to one per block.
Name, description, and option length limits remain at 100, 1000, and 100 chars
DGS Listing:
Base fee 2 NXT, with 2 NXT additional fee for each 32 chars of name plus
description total length, after the first 32 chars. Name and description size
limits remain at 100 and 1000 max. DGS Listing throttled at one per block.
DGS Delivery:
Base fee 1 NXT, with 2 NXT additional fee for each 32 bytes of encrypted goods
data after the first 32 bytes, nonce and AES initialization bytes excluded.
Encrypted goods data size limit remains 1000 bytes.
In addition to the current fee for phasing (1 NXT for balance independent,
20 NXT otherwise), 1 NXT will be added for each 32 bytes of hashedSecret or
linkedFullHash fields.
Referenced transactions:
An extra fee of 1 NXT for the 32 byte referencedTransactionFullHash if set,
i.e. if the transaction is using the referenced transactions feature.
To facilitate migration of legacy client code to the new fees, if the property
nxt.correctInvalidFees=true has been set in nxt.properties (default is false),
the server will automatically replace insufficient fees for submitted unsigned
transactions with the minimum fee needed, depending on the transaction, as if
feeNQT=0 has been specified. Fees exceeding the minimum, or fees for already
signed transactions, will not be corrected.
This release will perform a blockchain rescan on first start.