Hash: SHA1
Release 1.3.2
220ab37aaf3bb31734823650e4f818268e5caa3ef6fa73f5f524869d43cb419e nxt-client-1.3.2.zip
Change log:
Allow re-broadcasting of transactions already in the unconfirmed pool.
Added clearUnconfirmedTransactions debug API to force clearing of the
unconfirmed transactions pool.
Show correct timestamps in asset transfer history.
Only try to set account public key when inside a database transaction,
fixes a bug in setting public keys for accounts that never had an
outgoing transaction.
getAccountLessors API now returns the guaranteed balance of each lessor
too, as of the height specified in the optional height parameter. The
format of the returned json has been changed to allow adding this
guaranteedBalanceNQT property.
getPeers now accepts an optional "state" parameter, to return only peers
in that state. Possible values: CONNECTED, NON_CONNECTED, DISCONNECTED.
If present, the active=true parameter takes precedence.
getBlock now accepts an optional "timestamp" parameter, to return the
last block as of that timestamp. The parameters to getBlock: "block",
"height", "timestamp", are processed in that order of precedence, i.e.
if both height and timestamp are specified, height is used and timestamp
is ignored. If no parameters, current last block is returned.
getState now accepts an optional "includeCounts" parameter, default true.
If set to false, database table counts, which are slow to retrieve, are
not included in the response.
getTrades, getAllTrades, and getAssetTransfers API now accept an optional
"includeAssetInfo" parameter, default true. If set to false, asset name
and decimals are not included in the result Trade json, and not having to
retrieve those speeds up the request processing.
Added getBlocks API, returning the blocks ordered by height descending,
and using firstIndex, lastIndex parameters for pagination. Restricted to
return up to 100 blocks at a time. If includeTransactions is true, also
includes the full transaction JSON.
Improved default H2 cache size allocation. It nxt.dbCacheKB is not set,
the H2 cache will vary linearly from 16MB for JVM heap size 160MB, to
256MB for heap size 640MB or higher. This should allow low end devices
to run without needing a custom setting for the nxt.dbCacheKB parameter,
and prevent excessive memory use on machines with plenty of memory too.
Disabled the SSLv3 protocol when using SSL for the API.
Client UI improvements:
Added pagination to the Blocks page. The default number of rows per page
can be changed in settings.
Show account balance in the sidebar on all pages.
Improvements and bugfixes in the asset trade and transfer history pages.
New design of the dashboard, and an improved recent transactions list.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)