Keep voting at https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/ann-which-exchange-should-leonardo-support-next-706537. This is to add CCEDK.com to trading bot platform that is likely to bring more volume to the exchange. Volume at our most comprehensive fiat exchange is a good thing
CCEDK.com (Crypto Currcency Exchange DenmarK) hosts the most Nxt/Fiat Pairs of any exchange. It currently has 7 fiat currencies (USD, EUR, GBP, SEK, DKK, NOK and CHF) and just annouced plans for RUB and UAH. This means that you can go from your home currency into Nxt in one step (assuming you live in one of these countries ) You can also trade against BTC and LTC there, fees are low and you only need a username, password and email to sign up.
...ok, carry on