Just a perfect storm brewing. And it was a first gush of wind, nothing particularly interesting, same old, like any perfect storm
Perfect storm is actually a pretty good way of putting it.
I don't know details but I think it could be summarised something like "Step change in awareness, usability and availability very soon, plus the normal crypto speculation pump that happens when any market moves unexpectedly."
At the risk of fanning the flames of speculation...
I was going to post the links but changed my mind, I think that actually would be fanning the flames. If you look around nxtforum, there are some popular announcement threads.
There are 3-4 big announcements coming, the first one next week. No-one knows what they are but they are big and the companies involved need to get their "ducks in a row".
Additionally, the launch of the Digital Goods Store, Alias Trading confirmed for the next release and possibly Monetary System and a cool new skin.
Whether they are big enough to justify the rise, who knows