Your funds will be that safe even you will never get it. Supersafe.
I am using online account by the way.
It's another password. You've created 2 passwords when you made the account.
Dafuq. I can't even remember I made two passwords at when I made this account last year. What will I do to recover my master password? Thanks for the response.
The core Nxt Client, and the Nxt network itself, works with one passphrase only to access an account (every different passphrase leads to a different account).
The MyNxt web wallet works differently. It asks in registration for the usual login password for any web service, and also asks for a "master password" that is used to encrypt the users Nxt account data in the server. This master password is needed every time the account data needs to be decrypted: to sign and send a transaction, to export your Nxt accounts to a file, etc.
When you registered, you went through this:
It is possible to change the MyNxt master password to a new one if you have the existing master password, but there is no way to reset a MyNxt master password since only the master password introduced by the user can decrypt the wallet data. So hopefully you can find where you saved yours.