Jean-Luc said "immediatelly", why do we need big bold red letters?
Because it just blends and gets washed away with the torrent of posts. Really, there should be a separate thread for important client updates and everyone should be directed to it so we have an easy way to check for important info like this without it getting buried in 5 minutes. The only reason I caught jean lucs post was because it was quoted on the most recent page and I happened to scroll down to it.
Also because the emphasis is clearly needed if its a critical bug. The average user, if they even happen to catch that post, isn't going to drop everything they are doing and upgrade their client unless it actually seems urgent. They will read that, tell themselves they'll do it a bit later, then forget. Does this bug put users money at risk?
A thread exists for updates. Add to your watchlist and post a message when a new version comes out. NxtChoice has kept the original post up-to-date, but would be better if accompanied by a new message for watchlist.
Thanks. Watching now. Still, there is no data regarding changes in releases in that thread or the posts it links to. I could have already been following it and still not have known about any critical flaws.
I am about to go ballistic... Why havn't you updated that post? Are you here to critize only? Just get your a** up and act yourself instead of jumping onto others... Geez.