Until we really have high price for 1 NXT.
Until we really have big number of transactions per block.
Until we really start to scream: "WTF, I buy
Exactly, my thoughts. Would also like a % of transaction's amount to be spent as fee with min 1NXT.
Reducing Nxt fee lowers incentive to forge with large Nxt account, while at the same time encouraging use of Nxt features. I like it.
Why not waiting for a month or two? Why the hurry?
Cause we need more people using Nxt, not forging for profit.
For someone who can only afford 1000 Nxt, yes.
We have no services now where someone who "can only afford 1000 Nxt" can spend their coins anyway.
I mean, I not against 0.01 fee. I just want to see some real-life reason for it. Do not forget that it is kinda significant core change.
Yeah, I agree with you, but why not implement now, why wait for people to complain about it.