How would any technical bounties speed up deployment of Transparent Forging? That is the key to everything and it is already being worked on by the best man possible.
What technical piece is missing for NXT to be superior to emunie/etherium?
From what I can tell, when nexern is done with client his DNA will be the etherium killer and I will bet that he will get it done before etherium's crowd process gets it done.
So, with Asset Exchange we are pretty much at feature parity with emunie. What is missing? I have not tried the emunie beta, so I have no idea what features they have that NXT doesn't. If it is a super important feature that NXT doesn't have, then certainly, let's get a bounty for it ASAP.
If we have enough tech and not enough marketing, why not balance it out and get the marketing? If emunie and etherium were not doing their IPOs as we speak, I would not feel this sense of urgency. There is only a finite amount of people who will invest in cryptos and they WILL be choosing between emunie, etherium and NXT as these are the second gen cryptos. Some will hedge and split between the three, some will go heavier into one other than the other, etc.
Shouldn't we get as much of the second gen investor funds as we deserve? What percentage does NXT deserve? Are we going to get that percentage? If not, then we need more marketing.
I guess I just don't get your mind frame. I work in the silicon valley, marketing campaigns often see very little results, the most effective marketing is organic, grown through user base because of superior feature set, it's all viral.
Also, please stop talking about the 10Mil being vaporized as the only other option. We have plenty of time to decide what we want to do. Spending 10mil (1% of Nxt) on Marketing is just crazy.
Nearly one month has gone by and we are no closer to consensus. I am very concerned, not just for losing 10 million NXT, but the message that sends to the world.
OK, so lets do tech, lets do organic marketing. Is organic marketing free? Maybe second gen crypto won't exactly follow the Silicon valley model. I am not some marketing dweeb, I am a technical guy with some marketing experience.
I see risk for NXT due to competition and when there is competition, even a superior feature set loses if the competition has strong marketing. Are you saying that Microsoft Windows (not from Silicon Valley) was the better OS than Apple's (from Silicon Valley)?
Without competition, the organic approach is fine. Most Silicon valley organic marketing successes happen in the absence of strong competition because they come up with an entirely new product. Now, is emunie and etherium strong competition? I'm not sure. I think there is a chance they might be.