We are talking about the RIGHT to be able to vote.
Everyone've right to vote. Even if he've 0 NXT, he can make suggestion to make Nxt stronger. Find a flaw, for example. In decentralized system no one can bound anyone's right to vote.
And the guys which hold a few thousands are able to vote more than the guys which are holding a few cents!
Disagree. The weights of opinions/suggestions/proposals should be placed by
the guys that DO (and decision'll be maked by them as well: coding, installing, buying/selling, anything). Competence!
That's right, you can't place your own weight precisely in close to perfect (IMO) system, cos u're living in subjective reality. In science world u've to prove u're right. In social world u've to convince (community) u're right. That's simple.
THIS IS NATURAL! If the votes are resulting in bad decisions, these decisions were made by those who will loose the most. But then, let it be this way..
Disagree with both statements. It's not natural. It's not OK to build system u expect to fail right away.
Only NXT stakeholders have a right to vote in the NXT system, so at minimum someone has to have 1 NXT. Then, to extend that, how do you prevent someone from spamming a ton of 1 NXT accounts? You have to tie voting power directly to NXT to prevent cheating (which so far, is the only proposed way that is 100% cheat proof).
For some reason you think that all large stakeholders are incompetent and all small stakeholders are competent? I'd place thousands of more times trust in someone with a large stake because I know he has a lot more at risk, and is unlikely to want to harm the NXT ecosystem. I wouldn't trust someone with 1 NXT as much, as he may be a troll that spamming faucets so he can try to mess up NXT. So technically since the large stakeholder has more invested, he will research more, and thus be more informed about the issue at hand.
Even if 1 or 2 large stake holders do want to harm the system, they still have to convince dozens of other large stakeholders to hurt their own investment. Not going to happen.
As for natural or unnatural, all I know is someone creating tens of thousands of small accounts just to vote is very unnatural. So unless someone proposes a solution of creating a
cheat-less method of voting that represents everyone equally, 1 NXT = 1 Vote is the most secure, non-gameable, and natural way to do it currently. I, personally, am open to new ideas, but so far none have been proposed.
So far the list non-gameable solutions look like this:
1) 1 NXT = 1 Vote
2) ...?